God’s “Terms of Salvation” From the previous lesson on “Forgiveness” let’s carry over one point: When it comes to our forgiveness, and therefore our salvation,


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Presentation transcript:

God’s “Terms of Salvation” From the previous lesson on “Forgiveness” let’s carry over one point: When it comes to our forgiveness, and therefore our salvation, we are completely dependent on the mercy of God, Eph.2:1-9. So, when it comes to whatever terms (requirements laid down formally in an agreement or contract) He requires to receive that mercy, we either meet them to receive it, or refuse them and suffer the consequences.

Therefore, when it comes to God’s Terms of Salvation, beware of the 8’s: We can’t: o Dictate them, Matt.10:24; Luke 18:9-14 We don’t get to tell God how we will be saved, or what we must do in order to become that way, 1Cor.9:24-27! o Negotiate them, Gen.18:20-33 > 19:24-29 We sometimes want to bargain with God: “If you will do this for me, then….” It doesn’t work when it comes to the terms of salvation because we are completely dependent (nothing with which to bargain), 2Tim.1:9; Titus 3:5.

Therefore, when it comes to God’s Terms of Salvation, beware of the 8’s: We can’t: o Delineate them, Matt.3:5-8; James 2:14-26 We don’t get to pick and choose which parts of God’s terms we will do to be saved- this is “Burger King” and you can’t “have it your way”! We do it His way, Eph.5:10! o Complicate them, 2Kings 5:1-14 We, like Naaman, sometimes want some special “salvation experience” that is unique to us. But God is “not one to show partiality” Act 10: We are all called to salvation in exactly the same way, 2Thess.2:13-14; Mark 16:15-16.

Therefore, when it comes to God’s Terms of Salvation, and the 8’s: We can’t: o Dictate them, o Negotiate them, o Delineate them, or o Complicate them…. Instead we just have to: o Tolerate them! 1John 5:3, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.” Will you? John 3:36