O Sing to the Lord Psalm 98. Deliverance (1-3) Sing a new song – new hope, “a new chapter” in life A cause for praise (joyful singing)


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Presentation transcript:

O Sing to the Lord Psalm 98

Deliverance (1-3) Sing a new song – new hope, “a new chapter” in life A cause for praise (joyful singing)

Deliverance (1-3) He has done marvelous things – extraordinary or wondrous (deliverance from Egypt, Mt. Sinai, Jericho, etc.) His right hand and holy arm have gained victory – He wins!

Deliverance (1-3) He has made known His salvation – His part in their deliverance is unquestionable (marvelous works, prophesied, etc.)

Deliverance (1-3) His righteousness, mercy & faithfulness revealed – His work is just and His qualities are true All the ends of the earth have seen His salvation (Joshua 2, Judges 7, 2 Kings 18-19,…)

Deliverance (1-3) To the house of Israel – His chosen people delivered Ezekiel 36:22-32 – for HIS sake! Looking toward a better covenant

Deliverance (1-3) Ezekiel 36:22-32 Sprinkling with clean water ( 25 ) A new heart ( 26 ) His Spirit within & obedience ( 27 ) Delivered from all uncleanness ( ) Evil ways forgotten ( 31 ) “For My holy name’s sake ( 32 )

Deliverance (1-3) WE are spiritual Israel ( Rom. 2:28-29, Gal. 6:16 ) Our deliverance is in Christ Forgiveness Victory ( 1 Cor. 15:57 ) Salvation ( Lk. 2:29-32, 3:2-6 ) God’s righteousness revealed in Him ( Rom. 3:21-26, 5:8 ) All can be saved – ( Titus 2:11 )

Deliverance (1-3) Consider Luke 1:46-55 Mary’s words Different words, but a similar message – God’s deliverance of His people, Israel David (Psa. 98:1-3)Mary (Luke 1:46-55) “O sing, a new song”“My soul magnifies the Lord” (46) “He has done marvelous things” “He is mighty and has done great things for me” (49) “His holy arm…gained Him the victory” “He has shown strength with His arm” (51) “He has remembered His mercy…” “In Remembrance of His mercy” (54) “Made known His salvation” “He has shown strength with His arm” (51) “His mercy is on those who fear Him” (50) Remembered mercy and truth toward Israel “He has helped His servant Israel.” (54) All the ends of the earth see His salvation “From generation to generation” (50)

Joyful Praise (4-6) Shout joyfully to the Lord – not a subdued and hidden praise All the earth The theme? Praising God. Not about the instruments

Joyful Praise (4-6) Rejoicing – the mantra of the Christian Phil. 4:4, 1 Thess. 5:16 Rom. 5:1-2 – rejoicing in deliverance WE have been delivered – Col. 1:13, Gal. 1:4 Luke 10:20, Rom. 5:11

Joyful Praise (4-6) Rejoicing – when we assemble, there ought to be joy 1 Cor. 14:15, cf. 2 Cor. 9:7

Joyful Praise (4-6) Rejoicing – what about instruments in worship? Singing only - Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16, 1 Cor. 14:15, Heb. 2:12. NEVER are we commanded to use instruments in praise to Him

Joyful Praise (4-6) What about passages like Psalm 98:5-6 ? We are not under the Old Law – Col. 2:14, Heb. 8:13 If our text is authority for instruments today, why not animal sacrifices, incense, loud cymbals, rams horns, etc.?

Joyful Praise (4-6) What about passages like Psalm 98:5-6 ? Did God actually authorize these instruments? Or did He simply tolerate such? Consider 2 Chron. 29:25, Amos 6:5.

Joyful Praise (4-6) What about passages like Psalm 98:5-6 ? Finally, consider again Heb. 2:12. Question: WHY, of all the psalms, was one mentioning ONLY singing used to describe worship in that text?

Final warning (7-9) Let nature roar Nature often used to describe the existence and power of God - Rom. 1:20, Psa. 19:1 World created and sustained by His word – 2 Pet 3:5 Because of evil, the “world” cries for justice Gen. 4:10, Rom. 8:18-22

Final warning (7-9) He is coming to judge the earth! Just as He delivered His people in His time, there is a final judgment of ALL nations! Psa. 2:1 (cf. Habakkuk) Matt. 25:31-46 – “all nations” gathered. EVERYONE judged – 2 Cor. 5:10, John 5:28-29

Final warning (7-9) A day appointed – 2 Pet. 3:10, Acts 17:31 He will judge in righteousness and with equity! All by the same standard John 12:48, Rom. 2:16, etc.

There’s a Great Day Coming Will we be delivered on that day?