High-Temperature Steam Gasification of Agricultural and MSW and Conversion to Energy System 11/23/2011 TAG meeting
Background Increasing MSW Generation Rates Disadvantage of the Air gasification Partial combustor and partial gasifier Lower temperature gasifier produces low-quality syngas that contains undesirable char, tar and soot Harmful emissions due to the air-breathing combustion
Objective Define the critical parameters affecting product yields Develop optimal conditions for thermal-chemical conversions Develop method for the cost-effective production of hydrogen fuel Agricultural Wastes MSW High Temperature Steam Gasification
Team Members PI H. A.(Skip) Ingley,PE, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida. - Tel Jacob N. Chung, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida. - Tel Members Name Atish Shah Graduate student Billy Allen Samuel Mammo Stephen Belser Uisung Lee Andrew Hatcher Undergraduate student Thomas Lunden
MSW Characterization Total MSW generation by material Total MSW generation by material before recycling, 2009 [data from EPA]
MSW samples Feedstock composition MaterialComposition Paper Corrugated boxes Newspaper Office type paper 22.8% 6.5% 4.5% Food scrap Dog food Additional water (moisture content compensation) 5.3% 11.7% Woodsawdust7.8% Yard TrimmingGrass, Leaves, Brush trimming16.5% Plastics (1)PET (2)HDPE (3)PVC (4)LDPE (5)PP (6)PS 2.4% 3.6% 0.8% 4.3% 3.8% 1.7% Rubber and leather 3.7% Textiles 6.3% Total100.0% MSW sample
Previous system Supply the high temperature steam via combustion of hydrogen and oxygen Batch type
Experimental Setup Schematic
Experimental Equipment
Steam Generator / Superheater Steam Generator Superheater Pump Controller Donated by Quantera Energy
Current Steam Generator Configuration Pump Controller Transformer Superheater Steam Generator
Current Gasifier Configuration Gasifier
Proposed Configuration Superheater Ceramic Torch
Data Analysis Data Acquisition Thermocouples Pressure gauges Gas chromatograph (H 2, CO, CO 2, CH 4, H 2 O) SRI Gas Chromatograph 8610-C
Simulations Steam flow in the gasifier
Status to Date MSW characterization Collected and mixed MSW based on the typical MSW composition Steam generator and Superheater Status Electrical connections done / Ready to use Water reservoir has been ordered can perform the preliminary runs within a couple of weeks Gasifier Status Connectors between steam generator and gasifier were ordered Meeting has been held with Rafferty Tools to develop design for ceramic connection to gasifier Simulation Steam propagation was simulated with FLUENT. Ceramic steam connection will be redesigned for better steam distribution
Current Issues Feeder location / design Air-tight requirement High-temperature resistant Need to control the feeding rate at 1 kg/hr Grinding feedstock Powder form of feedstock required Grinder in Dr.Townsend’s Lab is not working Setting up GC GC or MS ?
Tasks to Complete Proximate and Ultimate analysis for MSW After grinding MSW fine, send samples to Keystone Material Testing Inc. Complete installation of equipment Schedule EH&S inspection Preliminary run Check the steam generator : temp. and mass flow rate with respect to time Check the temperature profile inside of the gasifier after connecting the steam generator and gasifier Perform the experiment with feedstock material