EDUC 502 Class Session 2 September 12, 2005 This will be posted on under the EDUC 502 link after class
Finding your research interests Complete the “Developing a Focus of Inquiry” activity on the handout. Complete the “Developing a Focus of Inquiry” activity on the handout. Spend 10 minutes completing the exercise individually. Spend 10 minutes completing the exercise individually. At the conclusion of the 10 minutes, write down 2-3 educational research questions you are interested in investigating. At the conclusion of the 10 minutes, write down 2-3 educational research questions you are interested in investigating. Share your research questions with a group of 5- 6 classmates. Share your research questions with a group of 5- 6 classmates.
Evaluating research questions As classmates read the research questions that interest them, critique the questions along the following dimensions: As classmates read the research questions that interest them, critique the questions along the following dimensions: Are the questions well-written and understandable? Are the questions well-written and understandable? Can the question be answered empirically (through data gathering?) Can the question be answered empirically (through data gathering?) Is the question significant to informing practice in some part of the field of education? Is the question significant to informing practice in some part of the field of education? Suggest improvements in focus or wording as you work with classmates. These questions can become the foundation of your term project. Suggest improvements in focus or wording as you work with classmates. These questions can become the foundation of your term project.
Sharing research questions As you were working with your group, were there any especially intriguing research questions? If so, what made the research questions intriguing? As you were working with your group, were there any especially intriguing research questions? If so, what made the research questions intriguing? Think about how you might refine your own research questions now that you have heard some of those shared by others. Think about how you might refine your own research questions now that you have heard some of those shared by others.
Finding Literature Related to Your Research Question There are several types of literature that you encounter when searching electronic databases and other articles: There are several types of literature that you encounter when searching electronic databases and other articles: Research journals (e.g., American Education Research Journal, Educational Studies in Mathematics) Research journals (e.g., American Education Research Journal, Educational Studies in Mathematics) Practitioner-oriented journals (e.g., Educational Leadership, Mathematics Teacher) Practitioner-oriented journals (e.g., Educational Leadership, Mathematics Teacher) Books and book chapters Books and book chapters Master’s and doctoral theses Master’s and doctoral theses Magazine and Newspaper articles Magazine and Newspaper articles Unpublished documents Unpublished documents
Strategies for doing a literature review Find a few journal articles closely related to your topic and search out the articles listed in the references Find a few journal articles closely related to your topic and search out the articles listed in the references Access the Salisbury University library website and use the available databases. Access the Salisbury University library website and use the available databases. Access the ERIC database at Access the ERIC database at A good literature review combines all of these strategies. A good literature review combines all of these strategies.
Tonight’s task in the computer lab Use the ERIC database to locate articles that are closely connected to the research questions you have written. Use the ERIC database to locate articles that are closely connected to the research questions you have written. Locate at least 5 research journal articles connected to your topic. Locate at least 5 research journal articles connected to your topic. Complete the literature review matrices for the 5 research journal articles you find. Complete the literature review matrices for the 5 research journal articles you find. The lab assistant in DH 205 will be available to help if you don’t know your login and password to access the system. The lab assistant in DH 205 will be available to help if you don’t know your login and password to access the system.
Sample article matrix Look at the article on pp in the text. Look at the article on pp in the text. If you were completing a literature review matrix for this article, what would you put in each section? Take a few minutes to do this, and we will gather together ideas as a class. If you were completing a literature review matrix for this article, what would you put in each section? Take a few minutes to do this, and we will gather together ideas as a class.
A note about article presentations Our first article presentations will take place on Sept. 26. If you draw 1, 2, or 3, you get to go that day. See the last page of the syllabus for the calendar stating when the rest of the numbers are due. Our first article presentations will take place on Sept. 26. If you draw 1, 2, or 3, you get to go that day. See the last page of the syllabus for the calendar stating when the rest of the numbers are due. See the bottom of the last page of the syllabus for what should be included in the article presentation that you make. See the bottom of the last page of the syllabus for what should be included in the article presentation that you make. Try to use one of the articles you locate tonight in DH 205 as the basis for your article presentation. Try to use one of the articles you locate tonight in DH 205 as the basis for your article presentation.