David Dippel, P.G. Frank Zeng, P.E. Waste Permits Division Municipal Solid Waste Permits Section 2015 TCEQ Environmental Trade Fair
Introduction Authorized MSW Class 1 Locations Waste Definition and Determination Location and Operational Restrictions Design Criteria Sample Design Drawings
Authorized MSW Class 1 Landfills
Definition 30 TAC 330.3(21) Industrial solid waste or waste mixture Concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics is toxic, corrosive, flammable, a strong sensitizer or irritant, a generator of sudden pressure by decomposition, or heat Present or potential danger to human health or the environment
Class 1 Waste Determination 30 TAC : A non-hazardous industrial solid waste is a Class 1 waste if: Containing constituents ≥ levels listed in 30 TAC (a)(1) (Appendix 1, Table 1) Ignitable Corrosive Containing cyanides ≥ 20 mg/l Not proved to be a Class 2 or Class 3 Classified as a Class 1 waste by its generator Identified as a Class 1 waste in 30 TAC
Class 1 Waste Determination 30 TAC : Classification of Specific Industrial Solid Wastes, such as: Regulated asbestos containing material (RACM) Empty Containers that meet specific criteria Contaminated media containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Wastes with petroleum substances (>1,500 mg/kg) “New chemical substances”, unless demonstrated to be Class 2 or 3 From outside Texas without proper documentation Stabilized hazardous wastes that no longer exhibit hazardous characteristics
Restrictions 30TAC Not in Type I arid-exempt (AE) landfills (except for RACM) Must not exceed 20% of total waste (not including Class 1 waste) Must be accompanied by manifest Facilities must submit monthly reports to TCEQ
Operational Requirements 30 TAC Inspections Training Waste Analysis Ignitable, Reactive, or Incompatible Wastes Contingency Plans Operational and Design Standards This section provides operational requirements that are referenced in 30 TAC 335 rules, such as:
Location Restrictions 30 TAC , , and (e)(3) New cells or expansions are prohibited: Barrier islands and peninsulas Within 1,000 ft of protected shoreline erosion Within 5,000 ft of unprotected shoreline erosion In areas not meeting conditions specified in (b)(1) and (2), unless an engineered design of equal or greater protection is approved
Design Restrictions 30 TAC (b)(1) No new cells or expansions in areas where underlying soil unit(s) within five feet of the base of the containment structure, which includes the sides and bottom of the containment structure, have a Unified Soil Classification of GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, or SM, or a hydraulic conductivity > 1 x cm/sec, unless: areas where annual evaporation exceeds annual rainfall by more than 40 inches the soil unit is not thick and continuous enough to provide pathway for waste migration
Design Restrictions 30 TAC (b)(2) New cells or expansions over regional aquifers must demonstrate: the base of the containment structure (including sides and bottom) and the aquifer is separated by at least ten feet of material with a hydraulic conductivity towards the aquifer ≤ cm/sec a thicker interval of more permeable material that provides equivalent or greater retardation to pollutant migration
Design Criteria 30 TAC (e)(1) Applies to MSW landfills accepting Class 1 (other than asbestos-containing wastes): Liner with two components; upper component minimum 30-mil geomembrane and lower component minimum 3-ft layer of recompacted clay (< 1 x cm/sec) If HDPE geomembrane; minimum 60-mil Installed in direct, uniform contact with clay Liner system subject to (QC Plan)
Design Criteria 30 TAC (e)(2) Leachate collection and removal system must: Maintain less than 30-cm leachate over liner Materials and strength/thickness that are chemically resistant prevent collapse under expected pressures Function through the landfill’s closure and post- closure period
Design Criteria 30 TAC (b) Final Cover (If no MSW waste placed on top of Class 1 waste) At least 18 inches topsoil A flexible membrane (20 mil or 60 mil if HDPE) Four feet of compacted clay-rich soil (≤ 1x10 -7 cm/sec)
Design Criteria 30 TAC (b) Final Cover (If MSW waste placed above Class 1 Waste) Must first be covered with a 4-foot layer of compacted clay-rich soil Installation of final cover meeting requirements of 30 TAC (a) for MSW only cells
Other Design Criteria Above-Grade Disposal of Class 1 Waste 30 TAC (b) Disposal above natural grade is allowed if conditions of 30 TAC (24)(F)(i)-(vi) are met, except as provided by 30 TAC (24)(F)(vii) 30 TAC (24)(F)(vii) 30 TAC (24)(F)(ii)-(v) may be exempted if a satisfactory demonstration is made for meeting 30 TAC (24)(F)(i) without meeting 30 TAC (24)(F)(ii)-(v) Review and approval of above-grade design is on a case-by-case basis, provided that the minimum requirements are met.
Sample Design Drawings
Above-Grade Design 30 TAC (b) & (24)(F)(i)-(vi)
Alternative Above-Grade Design (Sample)
Design 1 Details (Sample)
Design 2 Details (Sample)
Thank You Contact Information David Dippel, P.G Frank Zeng, P.E