We Are Economically Empowered Wisconsin! NAACP Collective Action Fund at the Tides Foundation Financial Freedom – State Conferences Saturday, September 6, 2014
Purpose The commitment to help people in our communities rediscover spirit of economic empowerment and self- sufficiency. An impactful approach in support of economic development will be executed in Wisconsin that focuses on the African American community in a critical geography of the state.
Wisconsin Economic Profile African Americans in Wisconsin trail behind whites in a wide range of areas that include economic well being, educational achievement, and incarceration, according to a recent report conducted by the Center on Wisconsin Strategy. The depths of disparities in Wisconsin are alarming on their own, but even more alarming when compared to the much smaller gaps that occur between African Americans and whites in other states.
Wisconsin Economic Profile, Continued Wisconsin’s population is estimated at 5,686,986 with African Americans comprising 6.5% of the residents. The efforts of the initiative planned and executed by the Wisconsin NAACP State Conference will strategically focus on the Greater Milwaukee community and the cities of Racine and Kenosha because of their density of African Americans. For example, the City of Milwaukee is 40% African American accounting for 237,769 residents of total of 594,883. Racine’s African American population is 22.6% with Kenosha at 10%.
The Plan Our demographic will target young adults from the ages of 18 through full adulthood with an emphasis on adults in the workforce that are unemployed, underemployed or seeking enhanced skills and opportunities to achieve financial stability and empowerment. To lead, guide, and coordinate efforts with citizens and peer organizations concerned with local economic development. Collaboration with foundations, local government agencies, commissions on economic development, the business community, private sector and key stakeholder organizations/individuals and community opinion leaders.
The Plan, Continued To facilitate economic development by providing information and support regarding financial literacy, home ownership, job training and workforce development. Will also help to educate constituent about how to make healthy, informed life decisions. Utilize community outreach opportunities such as fairs and festivals, job/career fairs, cultural events, community meetings, functions that include breakfasts, luncheons and dinners (MLK Day, Equal Opportunity Day-Urban League and Freedom Fund Dinners).
The Plan, Continued Plan and execute world-class community workshops and summits for African American constituent audience to facilitate economic empowerment and self-sufficiency. Promote the “We Are Economically Empowered” initiative through development of media/PR strategy that includes partnership with community newspapers (Black Press) and radio to achieve awareness, increase rate of participation and visibility for program efforts that maximizes earned media opportunities.
Execution NAACP state membership of 1,915 will be selectively deployed as effective volunteers that are widely recognized as a key, critical economic development partner and content expert throughout Wisconsin. Program success allows for replication or pilot program expansion to other parts of state and/or with partnering organizations.