Reminder: write the warm up in your 3 brad folder List 3 similarities between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells
1. Define the term organelle. 2. List organelles found in living cells 3. Identify the important roles organelles play within a cell. 4. Compare and contrast animal and plant cells. 5. Label organelles in plant and animal cells.
= organized or specialized structures within a living cell differentiated structure within a cell parts of the cell that act like specialized “organs”
Description: fluid like substance that fills the area of the cell outside the nucleus Function: site of many cellular activities; surrounds organelles
D Description: large organelle near the center of the cell, composed on DNA & proteins
F Function: control center of the cell (acts like a brain) CChromatin = coiled up DNA in nucleus NNuclear Envelope = surrounds nucleus NNucleolus = makes ribosomes
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm
Description: Small particles composed of RNA & proteins. Found either: Free in the cytoplasm Attached to other organelles Function: make proteins
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes
Description: network of membranes within the cytoplasm 2 Types: Smooth ER Round ER
Function: Smooth ER = makes lipids & detoxifies Rough ER = sorts proteins & makes them into more complex structures
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER
D Description: layers of membranes F Function: packaging area of the cell SSorts & prepares protein compounds SShips proteins where needed Storage within cell Out of cell
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus
Description: small sacs of digestive enzymes Function: breakdown macromolecules & digest old organelles (“clean up crew”)
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus lysosome
1. Add a horizontal line to the bottom of you cornell notes 2. Tonight: write a 3-5 complete sentence summary of our lecture today
You are in charge of developing a tattoo to allow the world to know about one of the discussed organelles. 1. The centerpiece of the tattoo must be a slogan representing the organelle. 2. The surrounding artwork (minimum of 3 colors) must represent the organelle’s function 3. The artwork must be suitable for all ages and appropriate for viewing in all social situations complete sentence explanation of how the artwork represents the organelle AND the best location for the tattoo on the body
Reminder: write in your 3 brad folder List 2 organelles we discussed in class yesterday and give their function.
1. Define the term organelle. 2. List organelles found in living cells 3. Identify the important roles organelles play within a cell. 4. Compare and contrast animal and plant cells. 5. Label organelles in plant and animal cells.
Description: single membrane fluid filled space within cell Very large in plant cells Small in animal cells Function: maintains fluid, removes waste (storage unit of cell)
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus lysosome vacuole
Description: large organelle with folded internal membranes Has 2 membranes Contains own DNA Function: makes energy for the cell
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus lysosome vacuole mitochondria
Description: organelle contained by 2 membranes occurring in a variety of shapes & sizes Only occur in plant cells Contains own DNA
Function: site of photosynthesis Traps energy from the sun Converts energy to chemical energy
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus lysosome vacuole mitochondria chloroplast
Description: jelly like rectangle that contains thread-like microtubles Function: support structure & transportation system of cell
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus lysosome vacuole mitochondria chloroplast cytoskeleton
Description: rod shaped bodies near the nucleus Function: help separate chromosomes during cell division (mitosis)
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus lysosome vacuole mitochondria chloroplast cytoskeleton centrioles
Description: outer layer of the cell Mainly composed of lipids & proteins Lipid bi-layer & embedded proteins Function: regulates what enters & leaves the cell
nucleolus nucleus cytoplasm ribosomes Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi apparatus lysosome vacuole mitochondria chloroplast cytoskeleton Cell membrane
Description: fairly rigid layer that surrounds the outside of the cell membrane Found only around plant cells Give plant cells square shape Function: provides structure, support & protect for cell
1. Add a horizontal line to the bottom of you cornell notes 2. Tonight: write a 3-5 complete sentence summary of our lecture today
Apply your knowledge of organelles to design the best selling toy of the season. It must be able to fit into a standard backpack & not cause serious bodily injury as part of normal use. 1. What is the name of the toy? 2. What age group is the toy designed to reach? 3. Make an illustration of the toy(minimum of 3 colors). 4. Use 3-4 complete sentences to describe how the toy employs on of the organelle’s functions. 5. List the most fun feature(s) of the toy.
Reminder: write in your 3 brad folder 1. What macromolecules make up the cell membrane? 2. What is the function of the cytoskeleton?
1. Define the term organelle. 2. List organelles found in living cells 3. Identify the important roles organelles play within a cell. 4. Compare and contrast animal and plant cells. 5. Label organelles in plant and animal cells.
Plant CellsAnimal Cells Square shapedRound shaped Contain large vacuoles Contain small vacuoles Surrounded by cell wall No cell wall Contain chloroplasts No chloroplasts
Plant Cells & Animal Cells
In Class Today: Complete animal & plant cell handouts Color in and label organelles on cell drawings Tonight: Review labeled handouts for plant and animal cells Review functions of organelles
This poem follows a very specific pattern. There are 7 lines that will make the shape of a diamond. Draw the following diamond on the next blank page in your notebook.
This poem follows a very specific pattern. There are 7 lines that will make the shape of a diamond. Line 1: topic (noun 1) Line 2: 2 describing words for noun 1 (adjectives) Line 3: Three action words (“-ing”) for noun 1 Line 4: 4 words. 2 words about the topic & 2 words opposite to those in line 2. Line 5: 3 action words for the ending noun 2. Line 6: 2 words to describe noun 2. Line 7: Ending noun 2. (opposite of line 1)