13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry1 MENTORING LCDR Scott Barry Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry2 REFERENCES Navy Knowledge Online – “Follow My Lead,” Evan H. Offstein and Jason M. Morwick, American Society for Quality, September 2004 “The Elements of Mentoring,” W. Brad Johnson and Charles R. Ridley, Palgrave MacMillan, 2004
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry3 Background What is “Mentoring?” –In The Odyssey, Mentor acted as a coach, teacher, guardian, protector, and kindly parent that shared wisdom, promoted Telemachus’s career, and actively engaged in a deep personal relationship. –A way of bringing more junior/less experienced people up to speed faster and helping them build their own sense of professional competence and getting them to be stronger contributors to the organization faster.
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry4 Why is Mentoring Important? Enhanced promotion rates Accelerated career mobility Improved professional identity Greater professional competence Increased career satisfaction Recognition of improved competence by the organization Decreased job stress and frustration MENTORS TEACH, COACH, COUNSEL, CHAMPION
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry5 How to be Mentored What to look for in a mentor? –Someone That you respect Who is patient Who will support your needs and aspirations Who will encourage you to accept challenges and overcome difficulties Who will motivate and inspire you to reach your full potential Who is genuinely interested in people and has a desire to help others Who can effectively communicate and actively listen
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry6 How to be Mentored What to look for in a mentor? –Someone Understands your workplace responsibilities Accepts personal differences and gives you space to grow Has realistic expectations Maintains confidentiality Who is self-confident and appreciates a developing employee without seeing them as a threat Who is willing to help you face facts, be a sounding board, and tell you the truth (as he sees it) Your mentor ideally is about two ranks above yourself
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry7 What are the types of Mentoring? Situational Mentoring –Usually short-lived and happens for a specific purpose. Example: Someone goes on an “informational interview” with someone who is in a career they are considering Supervisory Mentoring –Mentoring from a supervisor to a subordinate in their current job Very Important All good supervisors mentor their subordinates Drawbacks in that it can be heavily task oriented and the comfort levels of protégé may not exist
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry8 What are the types of Mentoring? Formal Mentoring –4 characteristics Has a beginning and an end Has a method for no-fault termination Has some type of formal matching process Has one or more checkpoints (goals) Informal Mentoring –Occurs when one person (Usually the protégé) seeks another for career advice or to be their career guide Tend to grow over a long period of time and are very effective and rewarding
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry9 Which Mentoring type is for me? People are being mentored continuously and do not realize it –Formal Yearly fitness reports and mid-term counseling –Situational You are performing a specific job related task. –Asking someone for advice. –Supervisory Receive a tasking from your boss and you get periodic mid- course corrections
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry10 Which Mentoring type is for me? Informal mentoring, while being more rewarding, is unique and much harder to develop –Personal relationship –Long time to develop –Benefits both mentor and protégé
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry11 What is my role as the Protégé? The Protégé must: –Want to be a partner in the relationship Take the initiative and seek advice when needed. Don’t wait to be contacted –Prepare and do the appropriate “homework” for meetings with their mentor Ask questions (if the mentor’s directions are not clear) and make it clear what you think or do not know, this is how you really learn/benefit from mentoring –Focus on the goal Jointly develop a plan for the relationship. Clearly know what each expects and is prepared to deliver
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry12 What is my role as the Protégé? The Protégé must: –Be able to discuss their needs and objectives with their mentor Be able to identify own weaknesses Be willing to share them –Seek to be challenged –Be serious about your capability to grow –Take responsibility for his/her career goals The mentor can guide you to the path for success, but you must still earn the success for yourself
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry13 What is my role as the Protégé? The Protégé must: –Be flexible, listen to the mentor, and consider new options Be able to receive feedback and look at the situation from the mentor’s perspective –A mentor’s perspective probably will be greatly different than your own One of the greatest assets in mentoring is having access to a more experienced viewpoint
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry14 What is my role as the Protégé? The Protégé must: –Periodically assess the progress of the relationship Sometimes, it may be necessary to reset the priorities and goals of the mentoring relationship –Respect your mentor’s time –Provide feedback to the mentor Is the mentoring relationship having the expected results? How could the mentor be more successful? Is the material/information useful and relevant?
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry15 How to get a Mentor? YOU have to take the initiative –Evaluate officers senior to yourself that you respect –Determine if the officer has characteristics of a good mentor –Ask if he/she will be your mentor –Be patient with initial progress, it takes time to develop a strong mentoring relationship
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry16 Role of the IMG in Mentoring Afford personnel the time and ability to be mentored Provide mentoring if requested Develop basic guidelines for mentoring personnel Provide training to all personnel on mentoring Who is in the IMG Leadership? –CAPT Peters; CAPT Campbell; CAPT McMahon; CAPT Lewis; CAPT Gannon; CAPT Soule
13 April 2006LCDR Scott Barry17 QUESTIONS?