WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 1 Strictly Confidential NMW Workpackage 5: Project Management.


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Presentation transcript:

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 1 Strictly Confidential NMW Workpackage 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison Project Meeting, May 11, 2006 Anja Bieberle-Hütter, NMW

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 2 Strictly Confidential Project Management Thermal System Fuel Cell Gas Processing WP 5: Year 1 Milestones performance 200 mW/cm 550°C external electrical connections butane conversion rate > 90% post-combustor with gas oxidation > 98% battery expert industrial partner thermal insulation concept with T inside 550°C, T outside 50°C, < 10 cm 3 structures for validation critical points thermal system demonstrator with simulated 2 W heat source

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 3 Strictly Confidential Main Achievements article

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 4 Strictly Confidential Battery Expert: H.-W. Praas TeECon Technology Engineering Consulting Consultancy tasks and identification of potential industrial partners 5 meetings together Result: –information on battery world –market analysis  re-design of system, adjustment of specifications still in contact, but collaboration currently “on hold”

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 5 Strictly Confidential PR Measures Facts sheet elaborated together with ETH Transfer Interview with Darius Nikbin for “Fuel Cell Review” feature article on micro- SOFC  article May 2006 “Brennstoffzellen kommen langsam auf Touren”, Tagi, Dec. 27, 2005 (10 vor 10 reportage declined)

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 6 Strictly Confidential First Industrial Contacts Established Mr. Bachmann (contact via P. Muralt) Dr. A. Ravagni, Vice President Component Coatings “Thin Films for Energy” board decision expected end of May 2006 Dr. A. Verma interested in our thin film electrodes collaboration started

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 7 Strictly Confidential Meeting at ETHZ and Mr. Bachmann, April 2006: “Gerne würden wir uns an Ihrem Projekt beteiligen, vor allem mit Mannstunden, (finanzielle Beteiligung nicht ausgeschlossen) für die Evaluation der Brennstoffzellen im Felde.” diffusive and flow through gas sensors (photoaccoustic detection principle) MSA = Mine Safety Appliances Company MSA is the global leader in the development, manufacture and supply of sophisticated products that protect people's health and safety. Est and headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, USA Subsidiary company in Zürich: interest in portable instruments

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 8 Strictly Confidential Result of Risk Analysis Main Risks: 1.Free-standing membrane not dense or cracking 2.Performance of membrane not achieved 3.Heat management fails 4.Energy density not achieved 5.System integration impossible 6.Fuel reforming difficult 7.Cycling sensitivity 8.Long term stabilty not sufficient 9.No industrial partner found 10.Fabrication costs too high Measures for lowering highest risks: 1.change material, use of bi-layers 2.different deposition methods, different designs 1 Low MediumHigh medium Low Risk Consequences new catalyst and reactor design

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 9 Strictly Confidential Updated Competitors Analysis Main fuel cell competitors: 1.Lilliputian 2.Tekion 3.Casio 4.Toshiba 5.Medis Technologies 6.NEC 7.Panasonic

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 10 Strictly Confidential WP5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison WP 5.1: Industrial Collaboration – Contacting of companies regarding participation in the project – Finding industrial battery expert for accompanying the project Milestones: - Month 3: - List of potential companies for industrial collaboration - Contact to industrial battery expert established - Month 6: First contacts with the evaluated industrial partners - Month 12: Contacts with potential industrial partners interested in taking part in the project Several PR tasks: mstnews article, interview with Fuel Cell Review, facts sheet ETH transfer WP 5.2 Business Implementation – Setting-up of business model – Elaboration of concurrence analysis Milestones: - Month 6: Presentation of possible business models and competitor analysis - Month 12: Cost analysis and added value scenarios in view of competing products   and ongoing     ()()

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 11 Strictly Confidential WP5: PM & IL (continued) Year 1 Milestone: Battery expert from industry is accompanying the project At least one industrial partner shows definite interest in joining the project (industrial partner has to be included in a subsequent project by joining plausible the value chain) WP 5.3 Meetings and Reviews – Organisation of meetings: monitor development, check for achievements of milestones, overview of system development, WP progressing towards unified product – Organisation of review meetings: Refine effort distribution between partners and definition of deliverables Milestones: - Month 3: Meeting + Controlling Report - Month 6: Meeting + Project Review with KTI - Month 9: Meeting + Controlling Report - Month 12: Meeting + Final Report + Financial Report CCEM proposal submitted Febr. 28, 2006      ()() ()()

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 12 Strictly Confidential Summary Detailed competitors and risk analysis PR measures successful 3 industrial contacts established

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 13 Strictly Confidential Next steps (Year 2) WP 5.1: - Industrial partner supports ONEBAT financially - Evaluation of „back-up“ industrial partners WP 5.2: - PR activities enhanced - Revision of product specifications - Definition of „killer“ application WP 5.3: - Regular project meetings and reports - Consortium coordination

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 14 Strictly Confidential Next steps (Year 3 / Year 4) WP 5.1: - Find industrial partner for prototype development WP 5.2: - PR activities - Cost analysis - Market analysis WP 5.3: - Regular project meetings and reports - Consortium coordination

WP 5: Project Management & Industrial Liaison 15 Strictly Confidential Questions ? article