Understanding Triennial Review


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding Triennial Review Mentorship in Practice Edinburgh Napier University

NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice (2008) Check that everyone has heard of the standards?

Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice Developmental Framework 4 Stages 1 - Nurse/midwives 2 - Mentor 3 - Practice teacher 4 - Teacher 5 Underpinning principles 8 Domains Developmental framework for assessment and learning for registered nurses and midwives which can be found on PAGE Defines and describes the knowledge and skills required in practice when supporting and assessing students when undertaking an NMC approved programme First published in 2006 revised in 2008 and due for review Subsequent circulars x12 Specific explanation of the standards Standards define and describe the knowledge and skills registrants need to apply in practice when they support and assess students undertaking NMC approved programmes that lead to registration or a recordable qualification on the register. Developed to facilitate PDP 4 different stages – for registered nurses/midwives; mentor, practice teachers, teachers. NMC would expect that the majority of registrants would at least meet the outcomes of a mentor as stated in SLAIP This session will concentrate on stage 2 (mentor) and how the Standards can be applied both in individual practice and in the learning environment. Lead to next slide - NEXT 2 SLIDES COVER MENTORSHIP REQUIREMENTS A - Be on the same part or sub-part of the register as that which the student is intending to enter (clarification from NMC) B - Developed your own knowledge, skills and competency beyond that of registration through CPD C - Hold professional qualifications equal to, or at a higher level than, the students you are supporting and assessing D - Prepared for your role E- Nurses and midwives who have completed an NMC approved teacher preparation programme may record their qualification on the NMC register Be able to select, support & assess a range of learning opportunities for student on NMC approved courses Support learning in an inter professional environment Be able to contribute to the assessment of other professionals Be able to make judgements about competency/proficiency on NMC Students & be accountable for decisions

What does that mean for me? You must ensure you are Active on the Mentor register (Mentor database) You must keep records of students mentored over each triennial review period You must keep Evidence of Annual Updating You must map your development and provide evidence of meeting 8 Mentor Domains You must have an up to date Triennial Review Database Database will be held by the lead mentor or the charge nurse but mentors can have access through e-people. It is the responsibility of the mentor to maintain there status. There is a new OAR coming soon on which the mentor will be required to note and sign for the date of their next due update and triennial review. Triennial review being updated to better reflect the NMC standards On same part of register when making final sign off decision. Prior to the final placement the student may be assessed by any suitable professional. Accountable for judgement. Mention here that to undergo mentorship preparation must have been qualified one year and undertaken a MPP. The one here is accessible through napier and is 5 protected study days over 15 weeks and requires a sign off mentor. Annual updating – face to face Triennial review On same part of register as learner………….. Accountable for judgement and decision making At least 40% of student’s placement should be spent with mentor Mentors have access to network of support Evidence to support decisions Mentor Requirements (NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice 2008) Nurses and Midwives who take on the role of Mentor must fulfil the following criteria · Be registered on the same part or sub part of the register as the student they are to assess and for the nurses part of the register be in the same field of practice · Have developed their own knowledge and skills beyond registration · Have successfully completed an NMC approved mentor preparation programme (or a comparable programme which has been accredited) · Have the ability to select, support and assess a range of learning opportunities in their area of practice for students undertaking NMC approved programmes · Be able to support learning in an inter professional environment - selecting and supporting a range of learning opportunities for students from other professions · Have the ability to contribute to the assessment of other professionals under the supervision of an experienced assessor from that profession · Be able to make judgments about competency/proficiency of NMC students on the same part of the register, and in the same field of practice and be accountable for such decisions. · Be able to support other nurses and midwives in meeting CPD needs in accordance with the Code: Standards for conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (NMC 2008)

Keep record of students Explain that the NMC requires mentors to keep record of the students mentored Find section in NMC referring to this It is necessary to put names just stage of course and university is required. Hand out triennial review document and refer to page

Section 2 - Record of Annual Updates Year 1 (dates from/to)………………… I confirm I have met the following annual updating criteria Self Verify (Yes/No) Signature Had a face to face meeting/s (e.g. with other mentors, PEF or Link lecturer) which included opportunity to explore assessment and supervision issues with other mentors explored as a group the validity and reliability of judgements made when assessing practice in challenging circumstances Have current knowledge of NMC approved undergraduate programme Understand the implications of changes to NMC requirements Understand issues relating to supporting students Make valid and reliable assessments of competence and fitness for safe and effective practice Development Needs Adapted from NHS Education for Scotland Mentor section of Career Long ePortfolio

Mentor Domains There are eight domains in the framework, each with an overall descriptor and identified outcomes at the four development stages. At this point hand out the self assessment checklist as an aide memoire Stage 2 corresponds with the mentor role. To meet NMC requirements the mentor should provide evidence from each of the eight domains at the time of their triennial review. Some evidence may map to more than one domain. The facilitator could show an example of how this can occur. Inform the group that we will look at the Mentor Portfolio of Evidence more closely as the presentation progresses. Hand out self assessment form to jog memory of each domains

Once they have completed the activity Share ideas and Flipchart Instructions on how to complete form

Recording a Learning Event – Evidence for Domain 3 Adapted from NHS Education for Scotland Effective Practitioner Website Description of Learning Event Mentor upskill session on 22.06.13 – Assessment in Practice Key Learning Points We examined how assessment is carried out and how to assess effectively There were scenarios around assessment which we worked through as a group Future Learning and Development Needs I have since downloaded the student placement books – the Competency Booklet and the Ongoing Achievement Record to ensure I am familiar with the books. Ensure I take the time to complete the interim and final assessments thoroughly Action Plan Liase with PEF and other mentors around assessment To look at the learning outcomes for each placement we support and discussed within the nursing team how the student could evidence competence in these learning outcomes

Section 4 - Triennial Review Meeting Documentation To be completed by Line Manager and Mentor. Triennial Review Criteria Yes/No Self verification Signature by Mentor Verification Signature by Line Manager Evidence of Mentored two students within a 3 year period (Section 1 p9) Evidence of Annual Updating Requirements met (Section 2 p 10-12) Evidence of meeting the 8 Mentor Domains (Section 3 p13-20) Show mentors relevant page in Triennial Review document Explain that prior to meeting they must self verify

Mentorship Musts! You must be aware of your responsibilities relating to the mentor standards Ensure you know when your annual update and triennial review are due You must complete a Portfolio of evidence for your Triennial review period mapping your developments against the 8 domains If you are overdue your mentor update or triennial review you cannot be allocated to the student as the named mentor Emphasise the responsibilities of the mentor Highlight that they need to know the dates of update/triennial review as they must document this is student book and also in OAR Use mentor checklist to clarify terminology of Mentor Co mentor associate mentor

Your first piece of Evidence for your Triennial Review Please record your learning from the session on the template provided.