Potential Uses of an ASM in Education and Outreach Elena B. Sparrow International Arctic Research Center University of Alaska Fairbanks.


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Presentation transcript:

Potential Uses of an ASM in Education and Outreach Elena B. Sparrow International Arctic Research Center University of Alaska Fairbanks

Outline Education and Public Outreach (EPO) as a requirement in Broader Impacts Criterion Conceptual Framework for EPO Planning Examples of where ASM, system models, systems concept/approach can be, are being and have been used - Mentoring graduate, undergraduate and high school students - International Polar Year - Summer Schools - Outreach to Community/stakeholders - K-12 Teacher & Student Projects

EPO, a Means to Fullfill the Broader Impacts Criterion How well does the activity advance discovery & understanding while promoting teaching, training and learning? How well does the proposed activity broaden participation of underrepresented groups (e.g., gender,ethnicity, disability, etc.)? To what extent will it enhance the infrastructure for research and education, such as facilities, instrumentation, networks and partnerships? Will the results be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific and technological understanding? What may be the benefits of the proposed activity to society?

A Conceptual Framework for EPO Planning

Examples of where ASM, system models, systems concept/approach can be, are being and have been used Mentoring graduate, undergraduate and high school students - Arctic Ice-Ocean Modeling Animation and website H.S Intern Research project (William Wang, mentored by Dr. Meibing Jing

IARC Summer Schools for Graduate Students, Early Career Scientists and Pre-College Teachers: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 IPY IARC Summer Institute in Central Biosphere Forest Reserve, Fedorovskoe, RUSSIA, July , 2007 :

What is IPY? International Polar Year will take place between March 2007 and March IPY will be a period of intense, coordinated studies of physical, biological, and human and social processes, interactions and feedbacks in the Arctic and Antarctica. During IPY, researchers are working at the frontiers of polar science to improve our knowledge and understanding of the role of the polar regions in the global environmental system.

Outreach to Policy Makers and Community Members/Stakeholders Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Intergovermental Panel in Climate Change Report

Multi-model ensemble mean demonstrates realistic estimate of sea ice reduction in the late 20 th century, though individual model exhibit diversity. Sea Ice Simulation and Projection by IPCC Climate Models Reduction of sea ice area obviously intensified with the increase of greenhouse gas emissions as projected by the three SRES scenarios. Multi-model composite of median (not average) shows a dramatic reduction of summer sea ice extent in the SRES scenario A1B, leading to an almost ice-free Arctic Ocean in the last 20 years of the 21 st century. Xiangdong Zhang 2007

Outreach to Policy Makers and Community Members/Stakeholders Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) Intergovermental Panel in Climate Change Report (IPCC) Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning (SNAP)

K-12 Science Education Programs Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Observing Locally, Connecting Globally (OLCG) Alaska Rural Research Partnership (ARRP) of Alaska EPSCoR Schoolyard Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Project GK-12 Teaching Alaskans, Sharing Knowledge (TASK) Project IPY GLOBE Seasons and Biomes Elena B. Sparrow

Seasons and Biomes is an inquiry- and project- based initiative that monitors seasons, specifically their interannual variability to increase K-12 students’ understanding of the Earth system. The project connects GLOBE students, teachers, and communities with educators and scientists from three Earth Systems Science Programs (ESSP) - International Arctic Research Center (IARC) - NASA Landsat Data Continuity (LDCM) - NASA Terra Satellite Mission