Dual Enrollment Options Presented by the GHS Counseling Department
Information you should know
College Transcripts Dual enrollment courses earn high school and COLLEGE credit. This is the start of your college transcript The right student must be aware that this is the start of your professional career path.
Choices English III English IV US Government Macro Economics College Algebra Calculus – (Concurrent) (IF a student must drop a class for failure, must drop ALL DUAL classes! )
Admissions for Dual Enrollment
Criteria for Admit Must be a sophomore in good standing GPA of 80 or higher Permission from high school TSI exempt PSAT (for juniors only) 107 composite 50 ELA SAT combined score of 1070 with min of 500 ACT composite of 23 with min of 19 Math – all must take Accuplacer test at TCC- NO calculators allowed!
Candidates Independent worker Attends school regularly Strong reader and writer Mature Check out how credit will be evaluated at college or university of choice
Meetings and Responsibilities
Paperwork Students and/or parent must attend GHS informational meeting in February Students will attend a summer mandatory meeting at TCC or GHS (to be determined) Students must attend on Fridays as required by GHS - transcripts, senior forum … Students must follow guidelines for registration
Summer Instructions Registration at TCC must be completed by August 1st to ensure placement in the correct course. Students will receive a letter in late June with information for packet pick up at GHS during the summer.
Cost of Dual Enrollment $55.00 per credit hour - $165 per 3 hour class Cost of text books Cost is per TCC semester! (there are 3 separate Eng. Classes!) Financial aid is available for qualifying students – Must fill out FAFSA form and submit Students that may qualify should see Mrs. Wallace to review process
Additional Opportunities
Summer enrollment - Mathematics Calculus available on TCC campus College Algebra available on TCC campus Must enroll and take Accuplacer by April 12th
Summer Enrollment – Social Studies Must enroll by May 2014 US Government, Macro Economics Session I
Fall Enrollment Must submit all documents, register for classes and take Accuplacer if needed by August 1st. Students who wait until the last minute may encounter long lines and frustration over process.
Dual Enrollment Packets - Fall Packets with all necessary information will be available in early summer.
Summer School? Consider TCC classes if you plan to take Us government or Macroeconomics Cost is less and you get college credit! You must request transcript from TCC and submit to GHS registrar to receive high school credit.
Dual Enrollment - Summer Sign list to get packet early with Mrs. Wallace Take Accuplacer at TCC All math classes require the Accuplacer (no calculator)
Could you be a dual student?
Dual enrollment tips Great choice for the right student! Student must be independent and in class to be successful Must meet all deadlines G.P.A. transfers to next college Student will have to send TCC transcripts when applying for college during senior year
Let’s Problem Solve… Make sure you turn in all work ON TIME. Register and get books early – borrow from a current student Get help if you need it on the TCC campus– grades begin your college transcript Is this the right choice for YOU?
Additional Dual Meetings Feb 18 th - 21 st Mini breakout sessions that are MANDATORY- students will not be able to take Dual without signing up for one of these The information on how to sign up through Sign Up Genius is posted on our GHS counseling website under Dual Enrollment.
Dual meeting – a requirement! Each student MUST attend a Dual meeting in order to qualify to take a Dual class. (Parents are invited but not required) Look on GHS Counseling website for SIGNUP GENIUS for Dual Meetings and select best time for you.
Be responsible Sign in for meetings List courses of interest (for summer only) LISTEN TO ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Can check on web site if miss during class.