Civil Forum
What is CF? Civil Forum an independent, officially registered youth NGO.
Main goal Improving of the civil activities of young people and self-development in all senses and directions
A little from history establishment of organization by the Supreme Council’s deputy - Vladimir Navasyad official registration we have our own magazine - “Молодёжный проспект“ 1999 – Civil Forum was the winner of Margaret Thatcher's Award as the best youth democratic organization in Europe the creation of the Liberal "mother- party“ - the Freedom and Progress Party an active political and social activities of the organization
Structure of CF Председател ь организации Центральны й Совет 2 Заместителя председател я Внутренняя коммуникация и team-building Сторонний Fundraising Внутреннее обучение (для членов ГФ) Передача традиций Аналитика и стратегическое планирование Сотрудничество с ПСП Public Relations
Our activity Seminars; Conferences; Training sessions on various topics; Educational circles; Debates; Role playing; Forum Theatre for members and friends; Cultural and sport events.
Student self-governing Strategic goal - the spreading of the ideas among the students about the need to build a civil society. The main purpose - coordinate the system of student management, the implementation of creative initiatives.
Informal education Strategic goal - to provide opportunities for young people and adults in learning personal and professional competencies. Main Objective - to provide information on informal education, the forms and methods, providing opportunities for the implementation of projects on informal education.
Gender The strategic goal - promoting greater role of women in economy and participation of women in public life. The main purpose - to become familiar to the gender approach due to the history of the women's movement, methods of implementation of gender equality policy in Belarus.
Volunteering Strategic goal - to develop and support of the volunteer movement in Belarus, providing direct social volunteering help.
Active citizenship /our video/
Use us!) Together with CF: Take part in events; Create them; Become a leader of your own project; Develop international relationships; Develop yourself.
Our web-page
Our web-page Platform for information, communication Include "backward" members in blogging Attract new members – telling them about organization, to be easily found in google RSS (posts, comments) Subscription and connection to the mailing- group
We are also here!))
Our pride Civil Forum – the only competent Belarusian member of LYMEC and world organization IFLRY
Questions? Thank you