Holy Name Theology Department & Campus Ministry
Mission Statement of THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT Two-fold purpose: 1.Teach students the “Good News” of Jesus Christ
2. To give students opportunities so SERVE through service projects which reach out to the community. 2. To give students opportunities so SERVE through service projects which reach out to the community.
Gospel values are taught through a balanced program that includes Scripture Scripture Church Teaching Church Teaching Morality Morality Social Justice Social Justice Prayer Prayer Theologians Theologians Psychologists Psychologists Etc. Etc.
Helping the less fortunate is a priority for our students.
Grade 9 - An Overview of Catholicism and The Study of Hebrew Scripture Textbook:
Grade 10- New Testament and Sacrament Studies Textbook:
Grade 11- Morality and Social Justice Grade 11- Morality and Social Justice Textbooks: Textbooks: Personal and Social Morality Personal and Social Morality Includes a 20 hour SERVICE PROJECT Includes a 20 hour SERVICE PROJECT
Grade 12- Christian Life Stages Textbooks: The study of all stages of Christian Life, “from womb to tomb.”
Proclaiming the Good News: From: From: To:
Our Website
All teachers post assignments:
Cutting Edge High School From Boston Globe Magazine From Boston Globe Magazine
Holy Name Campus Ministry
PURPOSE OF CAMPUS MINISTRY PURPOSE OF CAMPUS MINISTRY To guide the Holy Name family to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make available opportunities to practice our faith To guide the Holy Name family to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make available opportunities to practice our faith
Threefold Educational mission: 1. To proclaim the Gospel Message 2. To build COMMUNITY. 3. To promote service to those in need.
OUTREACH Thanksgiving Food Drive The Giving Tree (Christmas gifts) Camp Sunshine Walk for the Homeless March for Life Project Bread Walk for Hunger Hospice Program Teens Against Poverty (TAP) for Grade 7 & 8
LITURGY AND WORSHIP Founder's Day Liturgy Founder's Day Liturgy School-wide Masses School-wide Masses Reconciliation Services Reconciliation Services Senior Eucharistic Minister Program Senior Eucharistic Minister Program Catholic Schools Week Catholic Schools Week Communion Breakfast Communion Breakfast
We promote: We promote:
SENIOR RETREAT DAYS A time to bond with classmates and explore our relationship with our God. Held last year at Assumption College.
Christian Leadership "Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant...." MT. 20:26 "Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant...." MT. 20:26