Welcome to AP Statistics Syllabus for Ms. Griggs’s Class
Grading Your six-weeks grades will be calculated as follows: 10% Labs & Activities 20% Quizzes 70% Major Tests
Tutorials Tutorials will be held both before and after school. Available times will be posted on my webpage each week.
Technology The College Board requires that every student have a graphing calculator to take the AP Statistics Exam, therefore, a calculator will be required for this course. A TI-84 Plus is recommended. If you have a calculator and are unsure about whether it is appropriate, just ask! If you do not have a calculator, remember you can check one out for long term use.
Materials Each student will need a three ring binder, folder, etc…. All assignments should be kept in here. Notes should be printed and brought to class along with a writing utensil and paper. We do a lot of fun experiments with consumable supplies which cost money. We will address this together.
Grading Guidelines I will adhere to the grading guidelines set forth by our campus, which are available on my webpage.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT It is YOUR responsibility to check my website BEFORE you return to my class and it is YOUR responsibility to initiate communication with me about make-up work.