United Nations Statistics Division Bringing Information to the World
UN Statistics Division - Data Services 60 + years of data collection and dissemination Collaborating with national statistical systems Enhancing availability and visibility of official country statistics on a global basis Promoting accessibility, searchability and open access of data Investing in new approaches in data exchange and data dissemination
Bringing Information to the World Internet-based data service system Making UN databases freely available Pulling together and organizing international databases to allow easy access and searchability Promoting national data dissemination Building a global data dissemination infrastructure
Project background Common Database (CDB) = First attempt to pull together and organize international databases 2005 SIDA project on “Statistics as a Global Public Good” = providing free and easy access to data resources of the UN System UNdata = decentralized approach, federated data system, databases linked through a search engine
Bringing Information to the World Quick facts 24 Databases Country/area profiles 6 Glossaries 60 Million records UNdata partners
Site Usage – Google Analytics Usage statistics from 1 March 2008 – 31 May 2009, Source: Visitors Traffic sources
User Communication
Recent development New search algorithm improving the series ranking SDMX format supported Twitter integration Announcing updates Educating the users Facebook presence Country profiles and country data services linked from home
Plans for the future Increase data and metadata availability Improving the interface Organizing series by “topic” in the explorer Offering data visualization Further improving ranking and search capabilities Improving back-end administration
“... very much in line with current web site technologies.” “What a fantastic website! User-friendly, fast, complete.” “The design is very clear and intuitive” “The UNdata portal is a great idea: a ‘single statistics’ window.” “Congratulations on rolling out this simple, elegant and data rich portal site.” “Thanks for opening your databases to the general public and improving your query methods.” A glimpse of what users are saying…