Networking Components By: Timothy O’Grady
Ethernet Hub Ethernet hubs link PC’s and peripherals and allow them to communicate over networks. Data transferring into an Ethernet hub travels to every station that is connected to the hub. The hub divides the bandwidth among users, and is good for small home office networks. Costs: These devices can be in the price range of as low as $10 bucks, and as high as $800 to $1000 dollars. Depending on your needs for the hub, the prices can vary.
Ethernet Switch An Ethernet switch provides a central connection on a Ethernet network. Each device connected to this device is able to have its own dedicated link with full bandwidth. Users connected to switches do not have to share bandwidth due to the relief switches give networks. Costs: Switches can be more expensive than Ethernet hubs. They can range on the low side of $49 dollars, to the higher $1000 dollar range. Depending on your needs, you will have a variety of options to choose from.
Router A router is a device that is used to provide access to the internet or computer network. This device can be connected wirelessly or wired to a desktop computer/laptop. The common router has an Ethernet switch built inside and also have built in modems. This device is often used in homes, offices, and retail sites. Cost: The cost of these items can vary. Most internet providers give their routers to their customers and are free of charge. Many people also have the option of buying a faster and better router. This can be in the low $50 dollar range and can go into the $100 dollar range.
Bridge A bridge is a device that filters data traffic at a boundary in a network. It reduces the amount of traffic on a LAN by dividing it in two different segments. These devices operate at the second layer of the OSI model. Cost: Bridges range from $60 to the $100 dollar range. This device can also get into the $1000 dollar range depending on your needs.
Gatway A network gateway is a internetworking system that can bring together two networks that use different base protocols. It can be in the form of software, hardware, or both. Gateways can operate at pretty much any level of the OSI model. Costs: Gateways can start in the higher $100 dollar range and can be in the $1000 dollar range and higher.
Firewall A firewall is a network security system that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic. It establishes a “wall” between trusted, secured internal networks, and other networks that are assumed to not be trusted. This device is used with most modems. Costs: This can range anywhere from $20 dollars to $1000 dollars or more. Depending on if you are wanting software, hardware, or both, the price can be steep or cheap.
Wireless AP Wireless Access points are communication devices on wireless local area networks. Wireless Ap’s act as a central transmitter and receiver of wireless signals. Most wireless Ap’s support Wi-Fi and are used anywhere and everywhere. You can find Wi-Fi spots in your home, or any place of business now days. Costs: You can get a Wireless AP device to fit your basic needs for around 30 to 40 dollars. If your more advanced, and have lost of devices accessing your network, you can get into the thousand dollar range.
Complete device network diagram