Building School-wide Relationships Shannon Baker, Consultant Special Populations, Civil Rights, Equity NCDPI Shannon Baker, Consultant Special Populations, Civil Rights, Equity NCDPI
Objectives Overview of job description; Identify the special population students; Establish relationships with CTE & school staff; Licensure requirements.
Building Relationships Objectives Identify members of special populations; Identify key faculty and staff instrumental in student success in high school; Create ways to establish relationships with faculty and staff in order to assist special populations students.
Who are members of Special Populations? Individuals with disabilities; Individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children; Individuals preparing for nontraditional training & employment Single parents, including single pregnant women; Displaced homemakers; and Individuals with other barriers to educational achievement, including individuals w/ limited English proficiency.
Which staff member(s) does this student typically interact with? Case manager/SPED teacher CTE teacher Core class & other elective teachers Coach Counselor Teacher Assistants CTE teacher Core class & other elective teachers Coach Counselor Individuals w/ Disabilities Economically Disadvantaged
Which staff member(s) does this student typically interact with? CTE teacher Core class & other elective teachers Coach Counselor CTSO advisor CTE teacher Core class & other elective teachers Home hospital teacher Counselor Coach Non-traditional Students Single Parents
Which staff member(s) does this student typically interact with? CTE teacher Core class & other elective teachers Counselor Intervention coordinator CTE teacher Core class & other elective teachers Resource officers Administrator (Potential dropouts) Counselor School administrative staff Coach ESL teacher (LEP students) Displaced Homemakers Potential Dropouts
Our School Community Case manager Counselor Coach CTE teacher CTSO advisor/club advisors Core & elective teacher Home hospital teacher Media specialists Resource officers Teacher assistants ESL teacher Administration (Principal, AP) Intervention Coordinator Administrative staff (School secretary, attendance secretary)
Activity Now that we have identified key staff and faculty members that our special populations students interact with, how can we seek their assistance in the success of special populations students?