Aid From the World Bank Caroline Williams
Research Question What is the effect of a country’s involvement in international organizations (IOs) on the aid it receives from the World Bank?
Hypothesis More IOs = More Aid
World Bank Aid vs. Involvement in IOs World Bank Aid Involvement in IOs
Argument Barnett and Abbott- IOs facilitate agreements Williams- World Bank looks at credible commitment status World Bank- says IOs are something they look at (how much?)
Baseline Specification 1 UN Security Council Preference World Bank shown to be focusing aid Main World Bank Powers have control
Baseline Specification 2 IOs democratization willingness to reform IOs help regulate economic activity Most similar to my hypothesis
Methodology World Bank Aid Data + Involvement in IOs
Results: Control Variables foreign reserves temporary member on the UNSC Security Council population IMF loan GDP per capita
Results 1 st : no control all positive correlation 2 nd : all control economic IOs significant 3 rd : all significant control economic IOs significant
Conclusions and Implications Did not get expected results (Baseline Specification 1) Only economic IOs significant All countries Daniela Donno- conditional
Future Work Specific Regions Specific International Organizations Qualitative Data Case Studies
Take Aways My hypothesis: More IOs= More Aid Results: Positive Correlation without the control variables But only economic IOs show overall significance to be Future work could make the project more specific
Works Cited Abbott, K. W., and D. Snidal. "Why States Act through Formal International Organizations.”Journal of Conflict Resolution 42.1 (1998): Barnett, Michael N., and Martha Finnemore. "The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations." International Organization 53.4 (1999): Donno, Daniela. "Who Is Punished? Regional Intergovernmental Organizations and the Enforcement of Democratic Norms." International Organization (2010): Dreher, A., J. Sturm, and J. Vreeland. "Development Aid and International Politics: Does Membership on the UN Security Council Influence World Bank Decisions?" Journal of Development Economics 88.1 (2009): Mansfield, E. D., and J. C. Pevehouse. "Democratization and the Varieties of International Organizations." Journal of Conflict Resolution 52.2 (2008): Williams, David, and Tom Young. "Governance, the World Bank and Liberal Theory." Political Studies 42.1 (1994):