Environmental Technology ChimH409 (2-0-1) Welcome @ Bruface Universite Libre de Bruxelles Dept Water Pollution Control Environmental Technology ChimH409 (2-0-1) Michel Verbanck mikeverb@ulb.ac.be 2012
Course structure Part 1. Introduction (incl. generic methods) Part 1. Introduction (incl. generic methods) Part 2. Air pollution control engineering Part 3. Water & wastewater treatment Part 4. Solid and hazardous wastes
Part 3. Water & wastewater treatment
Membrane separation techniques and their domain of application
pressurized membrane filtration: operation with prevention of fouling
Hollow fibers
ultrafiltration unit, Vigneux 55000 m3/day
UV dose mJ/cm2 4log inactivation (99.99) Pathogens UV dose mJ/cm2 4log inactivation (99.99) Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts <10 Giardia lamblia cysts Vibrio cholerae 2.9 Salmonella typhi 8.2 Shigella sonnei Hepatitis A virus 30 Poliovirus Type 1 Rotavirus SA11 36 water disinfection by UV irradiation
European Water Framework Directive 2000/60 requires that all inland and coastal waters within defined river basin districts must reach at least good (ecological) status by 2015 transboundary if necessary defines how this should be achieved through the establishment of environmental objectives and ecological targets for surface waters action plan to be published end 2009 by all Member States
Phosphate removal BNR plants Discard phosphate anaerobically Luxury aerobic uptake of P in aerobic stage Process adaptations for N and P removal EBPR plants Air Wastewater Anaerobic Anoxic Aerobic
Enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) (Melasniemi 2000) Enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) the principle Dry solids of conventional activated sludge have a total phosphorus contents of 1 - 1.5 %, while those of enhanced biological P removal plants (based on a luxury-uptake process) can achieve up to > 4 % TP. Under anaerobic conditions phosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) are not able to grow but can accumulate and store organic substrate by converting small organic acids into poly-hydroxy-butyrate (PHB) and similar energy rich organic compounds. For this process the PAO bacteria need energy which they gain under anaerobic conditions from the conversion of stored energy-rich polyphosphate (polyP) to dissolved phosphate which is released to the water under these conditions. When oxic conditions are met again, PAOs reconstitute their internal polyphosphate ‘batteries’ resources. This process is called luxury uptake (because the P uptake is then far higher than what would occur in usual biotreatment conditions).
Degassing Pressurized air Anaerobic This process will be illustrated by the technical visit of the biological wastewater treatment plant in Waterloo (compulsory visit for all, including EIB students). s
struvite precipitation more sustainable, because it involves nutrient recovery
1 - Agitator 2 - Flocculator 3 - Settler 4 - Raw water in 5 - Settled water out 6 - Purge
Nitrogen removal Nitrification (Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter) NH3 + O2 NO2- NO3- Denitrification NO3- + organics CO2 + N2 Process adaptations Air Anoxic Aerobic
electron acceptor
Electron acceptors s
Biostyr process (OTV) polystyren foam low-density microbeads 3 to 4 mm diameter s Biostyr process (OTV)
Anammox process NH4+ + NO2- N2 + 2H2O In the 1990s, researchers discovered that there could be other biological processes other than nitrification/denitrification that are able to remove nitrogen from wastewater. The phenomenon of anaerobic ammonia oxidation was observed and the scientists at TU Delft identified the organisms responsible for the process to be from the Planctomycetes family. With this information, TUD Prof Van Loosdrecht designed an innovative process – Anammox (ANaerobic AMMonium OXidation) process which converts ammonium to harmless nitrogen gas This process only requires the conversion of half of the ammonium to nitrite resulting in the reduced need for aeration, thus saving energy. The bacteria involved in the Anammox process will then convert ammonium and nitrite together into nitrogen gas without the need for any additional organic carbon compounds. Anammox is able to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 90% compared to conventional nitrification / denitrification processes. It occupies up to 50% less space and reduces aeration energy by up to 60%. NH4+ + NO2- N2 + 2H2O
If residence time is excessive (> 2hr) the risk in secondary clarifier is that denitrification takes place, generating N2 microbubbles which can float sludge flocs. What we obviously want to avoid is sludge loss into the receiving water body we actually wanted to protect in the first place. On site, however, this problem should be differentiated from the bulking one (due to proliferation of filamentous bacteria).