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Ch 3 Central Tendency 中央集中趨勢測量.
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McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,All Rights Reserved. 壹 企業研究導論.
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Presentation transcript:

管理一學門 財務領域國際期刊分級排序專案計畫 ─ 保險及精算期刊 張士傑、蔡政憲 政治大學風險管理與保險學系

Criteria for Journal selection Literature 1.Baur, M. N., T. L. Zivney, and G. J. Wells, 1996, The Academic Community’s Revealed Preferences among Insurance Periodicals  This article tests several hypotheses regarding current insurance periodical subscriptions at university libraries throughout the United States in  Finding 69 insurance periodicals subscription at various types of universities.

2. Colquitt, L. L., 1997, Relative Significance of Insurance and Actuarial Journals and Articles: A Citation Analysis  Evaluating 13 insurance and actuarial journals and 16 finance journals from 1991 through  Conclusion: –The top two insurance or actuarial journals based on the number of citations from the sample journals are the JRI and AB. –The JRI articles most frequently by the sample journals. 3. Colquitt, L. L., 2003, An Analysis of Risk, Insurance, and Actuarial Research: Citations from 1996 to 2000  Evaluating 16 risk, insurance and actuarial journals and 16 finance journals from 1996 through  Dividing 16 risk, insurance and actuarial journals into 2 groups: (1)the risk and insurance journal group, and (2) the actuarial journal group.  Conclusion: –The top two risk and insurance journals were JRI and JRU. –The top two actuarial journals were IME and AB.

Results 20 Scholars were selected and 10 Scholars responded 8 Risk and Insurance Journals were selected. 6 Actuarial Journals were selected Date range:

8 Risk and Insurance Journals Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

6 Actuarial Journals Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Astin Bulletin Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal British Actuarial Journal Journal of Actuarial Practice

Ranking by Impact factor ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name Impact Factor Average N. Score Rank Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory N/A 04 Journal of Insurance RegulationN/A 04 Journal of Insurance IssuesN/A 04 Risk Management and Insurance ReviewN/A 04 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice N/A Benefits QuarterlyN/A 04 Singapore International Insurance & Actuarial Journal N/A 04

Ranking by Impact factor ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name Impact Factor Average N. Score Rank Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Astin BulletinN/A 02 Scandinavian Actuarial JournalN/A 02 North American Actuarial Journal N/A 02 British Actuarial JournalN/A 02 Journal of Actuarial PracticeN/A 02

Ranking by Literatures ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name CLL-1997CLL-2003 AverageRank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review N/A Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

Ranking by Literatures ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name CLL-1997CLL-2003 AverageRank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Astin Bulletin Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal N/A British Actuarial Journal N/A Journal of Actuarial Practice N/A

Ranking by Scholars ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name 學者評分結果分數換算 AverageRank N. Score Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

Ranking by Scholars ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name 學者評分結果分數換算 Average Rank N. Score Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Astin Bulletin Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal British Actuarial Journal Journal of Actuarial Practice

Journal Rating Result ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name 文獻排名結果學者評論 Impact Factor (01-03) 加權平均 Rank N. Score Rank N. Score Rank N. Score RankAverage Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

Journal Rating Result ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name 文獻排名結果學者評論 Impact Factor (01-03) 加權平均 Rank N. Score Rank N. Score Rank N. Score RankAverage Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Astin Bulletin Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal British Actuarial Journal Journal of Actuarial Practice

Journal Rating Result ─ Risk and Insurance and Actuarial Journals Risk and Insurance and Actuarial Journal Name RankAverage Risk and Insurance and Actuarial Journal Name RankAverage Journal of Risk and Insurance 1 (A) North American Actuarial Journal 8 (B+) Journal of Risk and Uncertainty British Actuarial Journal 9 (B) Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 3 (A-) Journal of Insurance Issues 10 (B) Astin Bulletin40.8 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice 11 (B) Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 5 (A-) Risk Management and Insurance Review 12 (B) Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 6 (B+) 0.55Journal of Actuarial Practice 13 (B) Journal of Insurance Regulation 7 (B+) 0.537Benefits Quarterly 14 (B) 0.19

7 Risk and Insurance Journals ( ) Journal of Risk and Insurance Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

5 Actuarial Journals ( ) Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal British Actuarial Journal Journal of Actuarial Practice

Ranking by Impact factor ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name Impact Factor Average N. Score Rank Journal of Risk and Insurance Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance RegulationN/A 04 Journal of Insurance IssuesN/A 04 Risk Management and Insurance Review N/A 04 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits QuarterlyN/A 04

Ranking by Impact factor ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name Impact Factor Average N. Score Rank Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Scandinavian Actuarial Journal N/A 02 North American Actuarial Journal N/A 02 British Actuarial JournalN/A 02 Journal of Actuarial Practice N/A 02

Ranking by Literatures ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name CLL-1997CLL-2003 AverageRank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Journal of Risk and Insurance Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review N/A Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

Ranking by Literatures ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name CLL-1997CLL-2003 AverageRank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Raw data Rank N. Score Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal N/A British Actuarial Journal N/A Journal of Actuarial Practice N/A

Ranking by Scholars ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name 學者評分結果分數換算 Average Ran k N. Score Journal of Risk and Insurance Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

Ranking by Scholars ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name 學者評分結果分數換算 Average Rank N. Score Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal British Actuarial Journal Journal of Actuarial Practice

Journal Rating Result ─ Risk and Insurance Journals Risk and Insurance Journal Name 文獻排名結果學者評論 Impact Factor (00-04) 加權平均 Rank N. Score Rank N. Score Rank N. Score RankAverage Journal of Risk and Insurance Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory Journal of Insurance Regulation Journal of Insurance Issues Risk Management and Insurance Review Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Benefits Quarterly

Journal Rating Result ─ Actuarial Journals Actuarial Journal Name 文獻排名結果學者評論 Impact Factor (00-04) 加權平均 Rank N. Score Rank N. Score Rank N. Score RankAverage Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Scandinavian Actuarial Journal North American Actuarial Journal British Actuarial Journal Journal of Actuarial Practice

Journal Rating Result ─ Risk and Insurance and Actuarial Journals Risk, Insurance, and Actuarial Journal Name RankAverage Risk, Insurance, and Actuarial Journal Name RankAverage Journal of Risk and Insurance 1 (A) 1 Journal of Insurance Regulation 7 (B+) Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 2 (A-) Journal of Insurance Issues 8 (B) Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 3 (B+) Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice 9 (B) Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 4 (A-) Risk Management and Insurance Review 10 (B) North American Actuarial Journal 5 (B+) Journal of Actuarial Practice 11 (B) British Actuarial Journal 6 (B) Benefits Quarterly 12 (B)