1 Introduction to the World Bank Group “ Working for a World Free of Poverty” The mission of the World Bank is to reduce global poverty.
2 The World Bank Group has several parts World Bank Group World Bank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association International Finance Corporation Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
3 The World Bank offers clients an array of instruments Financing Investment lending Development policy lending Grants, trust funds, global programs Advisory and Analytical Activities Economic and sector analytic work Technical assistance (non-lending) Research Donor Coordination
4 WB lending has grown recently Commitments Amount in Billions (USD)
5 WB analytic work is also extensive Commitments Amount in Millions (USD)
6 The Independent Evaluation Group is independent from Management Board of Executive Directors Independent Evaluation Group Inspection Panel World Bank Group Management Management’s Internal Accountability Framework And Systems Self Evaluation Monitoring (QAG, DOTS, AS) Institutional Integrity Internal Audit Compliance Advisor/ Ombudsman (IFC, MIGA)
7 IEG has an array of evaluation products Quick evaluation briefs Thematic, sectoral, corporate evaluations Country-level evaluations Project-level evaluations
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