Status for paper on: System-size (?) and centrality dependence of strangeness production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 40 AGeV and 158 AGeV beam energy final data (Peter Dinkelaker will deliver his thesis end of June) remaining issues on mt-spectra of pions settled systematic studies for pt-spectra/ extrapolation for kaons at high rapidity (see EVO, May 20, 2009) Core Corona model calculations done similar to those in our and paper HSD and UrQMD available since end of April check strangeness conservation current process: transfer final data from Peter, do paper plots, fill tables, text Claudia Höhne, June 24, 2009
PhD thesis, June 2009, Peter Dinkelaker: all pt-spectra for all rapidities and centralities for kaons and pions at 40 AGeV and 158 AGeV beam energy paper – stick to TOF mt-spectra at midrapidity
PhD thesis, June 2009, Peter Dinkelaker