Psychology 001 Introduction to Psychology Christopher Gade, PhD Office: 621 Heafey Office hours: F 3-6 and by apt. Class WF 7:00-8:30 Heafey 650
The Other Senses: Touch
Touch/Movement and the Nervous System The value of touch/Movement – Interact with the environment – Detect danger/injuries – Pleasure The Variability of touch – Texture – Pain – Vibration – Temperature – Pressure
Reviewing the Timing Exercise Let’s revisit an old task again: – Toe bumping – Hand touching Why would toe bumps take longer than hand taps?
Looking Closer at the Start: The Skin Epidermis & Dermis Mechanoreceptors – Merkel’s disks (receptors) Touch – Meissner’s corpuscles Sense of grip – Ruffini’s endings (cylinders) stretch – Pacinian corpuscles vibration
Where These Skin Receptors Are Located Area specificity – The relationship between cell focus and brain area coverage The effects of learning and experience on these areas (reading by touch, music, video games)
Anatomy of Touch on the Brain The homunculus and region focus
Anatomy of Movement on the Brain
Planned Movement Path
The Other Senses: Taste and Smell? There’s no way we have time for these two senses as well. Please make sure to read about these two senses and how the body detects molecules in these ways. Its really interesting, but we just don’t have time for it in this class… Note: these two senses will not be covered in the exam.
Final Announcements Exam 1 – Format (M/C) (about 60 questions) – Information (Chapters 1, 3, and 4) – Study (know the slides, but read the chapters for a broader base of information) Paper 1 – Due on the 29 th – Download it on moodle