Oil Spill By Anne Skelly, Luke Rosenberger, and Sawyer Rosenstein
Largest Areas of Operation North America South America Europe Asia Australia/New Zealand Northern Africa
What is my response to the spill?
l Bp will pay for the damages done “I'm as devastated as you are by what I've seen hoere today. We are going to do everything in our power to prevent any more oil from coming ashore, and we will clean every last drop.”- Tony Hayward CEO of Bp
Bp assigning $500 million to a research program to assess the damage to the gulf Bp will compensate all business affected by spill
QxaU QxaU Congressman said taxpayers should be paid back their money
s People say the us government was too slow in operating with the Bp oil spill State and local officials complain not receiving sufficient help from the federal government
Environmentalists are angry at the government for lack of help They are asking for sand barriers against the oil
Capturing the explosion n&tag=contentMain;contentBody n&tag=contentMain;contentBody
Surviving the explosion n&tag=cbsnewsMainColumnArea.5 (start at about 2:20 animation begins at about 6:15)
condition/2010/05/10/bp-s-plans-to-stop-the-oil- spill-so-crazy-they-just-might-work.html condition/2010/05/10/bp-s-plans-to-stop-the-oil- spill-so-crazy-they-just-might-work.html environmental-legacy-of-the-oil-spill.html environmental-legacy-of-the-oil-spill.html forces-obama-to-postpone-australia-and- indonesia-trip.html forces-obama-to-postpone-australia-and- indonesia-trip.html And 60 Minutes
artoons/ig/Oil-Spill-Cartoons/Oil-Leak- Estimates.1-Ts.htm political cartoons artoons/ig/Oil-Spill-Cartoons/Oil-Leak- Estimates.1-Ts.htm 25/ARTICLES/ ?p=2&tc=pg information 25/ARTICLES/ ?p=2&tc=pg QxaU congressman QxaU
– BP Website for all information on the company