Presenting a medical paper Gabriel Kacsó, MD, PhD Residence training, 2011
Skills, knowledge, abilities & experiences are only useful if you are at the right place!
In medicine….. You pretty much HAVE TO PRESENT! 41 % are afraid to present > dying! – Rehearse with someone feedback – When ? – How? – respect SMART objectives SpecificAgreedTime bound Measurable Resourced
Presenting Who am I talking to? What do they need/ expect? What is their base-level for my subject? What do I want them to remember? What questions may be asked?
Types of slides 1.For comment - Bullet points for you to develop 2.To illustrate - Images, graphs, pie-charts (alternate!) 3. That summarize: - Key points to remember
Rules for beginners SEEN Say & show HEARD UNDERSTOOD REMEMBERED Heard & Seen
Presentation structure Note down your ideas. Organize & prioritize them. Write conclusion first! Learn introduction & conclusion by heart. Present the flow-chart Develop your main ideas. Use note cards.
PRESENT – “OASIS” Open (alternative to shaking hands) Advance (towards your audience) (+/-) See (look at your audience) Inhale (energize yourself by deep breathing) Smile
Find the right rhythm and voice Do not rush (use silence!) Speak and pronounce clearly Think “energy” ! Be precise Do not talk to the screen Use repetition of the main ideas KISS… keep it short & simple.
What you say & How you say it! Verbal & Non-verbal (Vocal & Visual) message = 3 V ! Congruent BODY LANGUAGE 55 % TONE of VOICE 38 % WORDS 7 % Albert Mehrabian, UCLA, 2009
Beginning, Middle & End… It’s always about your AUDIENCE ! TELL THEM what they need to know x 3 Tell what you’re going to tell =INTRODUCTION Tell them = Main BODY Tell’em what you’ve told’em = CONCLUSION
Before your presentation Rehearse because “it makes perfect” Check the room (light, miK etc) Will everybody bee able to see and hear you?
START – “don’t rush!” Capture the audience immediately! - some theatre! - use SILENCE - go straight into recounting a relevant story Do not forget to thanks organizers…… Introduce yourself after you’ve capture them… …How many of you have…. Hands up!
MIDDLE PAST/ PRESENT & FUTURE Background (1, maximum 2 slides) Your OBJECTIVE(s) – 1 slide Material & Methods (2-3 slides) Results (50% of your whole presentation) - set the stage for future research… YOU don’t have “Discussions slides” but ….
ENDING - “KISS” is very important Focus on the achievement of SMART objectives Your call to action Audience commitment “I thank you all(for your attention/ presence/ interest etc) and I’ll be happy to take questions…” Prepare an open question ?
Take Home Message Say & show (eyes & ears) Alternate types of slides (graphs, tables etc) Repetition (rehearse; explain) 7/ 7 OASIS KISS 2m Info Kills info!
Take home messages YOU CAN DO IT! Simply get trained…. Follow rules! %, KISS, OASIS etc Relate your talk to the audience! THEY you (me)