CURTIN PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Welcome Orientation Session ARRC – Australian Resources Research Centre Friday 1 st March pm – 3.00pm Health and Safety and Emergency Information
ARRC has an automatic Fire Alarm System. Alarm sounds when smoke detectors or heat sensors are activated or alarm is manually activated. There is an alert tone (beep, beep, beep) Followed by an evacuation tone (whoop, whoop) Alarm can be manually activated by pressing red break glass alarms. These are located throughout the building - note location of your closest one. Use for fire, gas leak, or whole building emergencies. ARRC internal emergency number is This is a separate phone at the CSIRO reception. Answered between 8am – 5pm. State your location and what assistance is required. EMERGENCY PROCEDUERES – ALARMS
Dr David Parks FIRST AID AND INCIDENT REPORTING Trained first aiders are onsite. For First Aid Emergencies ring Curtin Petroleum Engineering reception Or ARRC emergency number to call for a first aid officer. Ring for an ambulance. First aid kits and equipment are located throughout the building. The first aid room is at the front of the building on level 1A. Defibrillator and oxygen on level 4D kitchen (CSIRO area) All hazards, injuries, incidents or near misses are reported to initially to supervisor Tanya Jones
WORKPLACE/BUILDING HAZARDS If you are working in a laboratory you will be briefed on potential hazards of the workplace and shown the location of emergency equipment (fire extinguishers, spill kits etc) Do not operate equipment unless trained/authorised to do so Office based students/staff should be aware of the risk of overuse injuries and adjust their workstation (chairs, computer screens etc) and take regular breaks to stretch The glass doors between H & G block closes at 5 pm. After this time access to CSIRO areas of the building is restricted.
ARRC BUILDING Thailand Australia Columbia India All visitors are to report to reception, sign log & wear visitor tag. If you are a student with an ARRC ID Card, you may enter the ARRC Building from the rear entrance to access the Department of Petroleum Engineering Reception on Level 6. No smoking in any building vehicle. Smoking areas: Rear, near CSIRO entrance Front, east of main doors. Appropriate footwear must be worn – not thongs or bare feet. Enclosed footwear in labs, safety boots in designated process bays. Do not enter lab areas unless you are working in them. Appropriate personal protective equipment is to be worn in labs & process areas ARRC ID cards must be worn and visible at all times.
SAFETY FIRST OTHERWISE....YOU MIGHT MEET TROUBLE...: Thailand Australia Columbia India