Background Information on. The Odyssey is an epic.  An EPIC is a long poem that is usually passed down by word of mouth before it gets put in writing.


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Presentation transcript:

Background Information on

The Odyssey is an epic.  An EPIC is a long poem that is usually passed down by word of mouth before it gets put in writing.  An EPIC follows a HERO on some type of journey.

The Odyssey is an epic.  You have probably watched, or at least have heard of, Star Wars. This is an example of an epic in movie form.

The Odyssey is an epic.  The Odyssey tells the story of a king named Odysseus during the ten years it takes him to travel home from the Trojan War.

The Trojan War  Vsps Vsps

The Trojan War  The events of the Trojan War are often referenced in popular culture (other books, TV, movies, music, etc.)  Where have you heard this story before?

The Trojan War

 The story as we know it goes like this…  The Trojan War began sometime between 1300 and 1100 BCE after Queen Helen of Sparta was abducted by the Trojan prince Paris.  Helen’s husband had over 1000 ships full of men invade Troy to get Helen back.  One of these men included the Greek hero Odysseus.

The Trojan War  The war lasted over ten years.  The last battle occurred after the Greeks left a large wooden horse outside the gates of Troy.  Greek soldiers were hiding in the horse, and they snuck out and attacked at night.  This attack was led by Odysseus.

The Trojan War  Trojan Horse

The Trojan War  f5KQ f5KQ

Trojan War Epics  Two epics, both written by Homer, depict the Trojan War  The Iliad = takes place towards the end of the war  The Odyssey = takes place in the years following the war as Odysseus returns to his home in Ithaca  The Odyssey is the sequel to The Iliad.

Homer  Not much is known about Homer, and some people wonder if he ever existed at all  He was probably born between the 12 th and 8 th centuries BCE, and lived in Greece  No exact date of birth is known because Greece did not really keep track of dates until the first Olympic Games in 776 BCE  It is also thought that Homer may have been blind


What to look for when you read  The Odyssey was originally written as a poem, but the version we read in class will be in prose  Prose = the text reads like a story, with paragraphs instead of lines and stanzas

What to look for when you read  What heroic traits does Odysseys have?  Are they the same traits or different from the ones Atticus Finch possesses?

What to look for when you read  What is Homer trying to teach his readers about morality (right vs. wrong)?