老外、老外、老外、三餐老是 在外,吃便當、吃漢堡、 你撖 有吃青菜? ( 台 )
hamburgerFrench fries Pizza Cokesteak Fried Chicken
Super Size Me– McDonalds Fast- Food Test Image from: Do you like McDonald’s fast food? Watch this video clip…this video clip mold: 發霉 moldy: 發霉的 moss: 青苔 mossy: 生苔的
vegetablesfruits starches 澱粉類食物 protein 蛋白質 meats
Food Pyramid
The Food Pyramid Game
cookie cake chips eat less low-fat milk cheese yogurt 2-3 servings lean meat fish egg 4-6 ounces carrot green onion red pepper tomato corn pea 3-5 servings strawberry grapes watermelon pear peach banana 2-4 servings whole grain bread brown rice 3-5 servings
How many calories do I need? Weight / Calories Needed Man 68 kilogram 2000 calories 90 kilogram 2300 calories Exercise influences the amount of calories needed. Woman 59 kilogram 1600 calories 72 kilogram 1750 calories Food Calorie List:
Reference active.htm amid.gif