( 1 of 14 ) Chapter 11 Families and Intimate Relationships
( 2 of 14 ) Families relationships in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group Kinship refers to a social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption (pre-industrial) Families are a group of people who are related to one another by blood, marriage or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit, and bear and raise children Former Definition Current Definition
( 3 of 14 ) Society Family
( 4 of 14 ) Family of Orientation Family of Procreation Families we choose - Nuclear - Extended/Multigenerational - Blended - Natural
( 5 of 14 ) Marriage is a legally recognized and/or socially approved arrangement between two or more individuals that carries certain rights and obligations and usually involves sexual activity –monogamy a marriage between two partners, usually a woman and a man “serial monogamy” a succession of marriages in which a person has several spouses over a lifetime but is legally married to only one person at a time - married, divorced, remarried, divorced. –polygamy a concurrent marriage of one person and two or more people of the opposite sex. Two FORMS: –polygyny one man, two or more women –polyandry one woman, two or more men
( 6 of 14 ) Patrilineal Bilateral Descent and Inheritance Matrilineal Patriarchal Egalitarian Power and Authority Matriarchal Patrilocal Neolocal Residential Patterns Matrilocal
( 7 of 14 ) Endogamy Exogamy Marriage Patterns The Family The Church The State
( 8 of 14 ) Sexual regulation Socialization Economic and psychological support Provision of social status Functionalist Perspectives
( 9 of 14 ) Women are dominated in the home –like workers are dominated in the workplace Exploitation of lower classes by upper classes –contributes to family problems such as high rates of divorce and overall family instability Women’s oppression –rooted in patriarchal family structures Men have benefited from their status as breadwinners Conflict Perspectives
( 10 of 14 ) Construction of a shared reality over time –individual identities before marriage –shared reality as a couple Divorce – the reverse of this process Men and women experience marriage differently –“two realities” Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives
( 11 of 14 ) Cohabitation – “Trial Marriage” –Living together out of “wedlock” Domestic partnership –household partnerships in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and are granted the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples Love and Intimacy
( 12 of 14 ) Marriage at an early age A short acquaintanceship before marriage Disapproval of marriage by family/friends Limited economic resources High school diploma or less Divorced or unhappily married parents Presence of children at the start of the marriage Periods of separation (military, etc.) Characteristics of those Most Likely To Get Divorced
( 13 of 14 ) D.I.N.K.s –two married people who both work and have no children Second shift –the unpaid domestic work that employed women perform at home after they complete their day on the job
( 14 of 14 ) The choice is yours Societal pressure to have children?