Theories of Democratic Government Democracy has shades of meaning that must be understood, different theories lead to different ideas of the definition of democracy. By: Bunralin Nheb Although the government of the United States is traditionally viewed as a democracy, there is considerable disagreement about what democracy means and implies.
Power and AUTHORITY Examining political power- who hold government offices and how government officials behave in using power. Authority is the right to use power. Authority comes from legal or constitutional sources.
Constitution as a source of authority The Constitution today is widely accepted as a source of legitimate authority. Constitutional Convention Thomas Jefferson HOWEVER, legitimacy is also based on the concept of democracy.
The Meaning of Democracy Aristotle defines it as “the rule of the many.” Second meaning of democracy is Representative Democracy. It is impractical for people to decide on all public issues, so representative must be elected to formulate policy.
Problems of Representative Democracy Leadership competition Communication The number of candidates Paying for campaigns
Direct vs. Representative Those in favor of direct stated that in the spirit of direct democracy, many states have referendums and initiatives. Those in favor of representative argued that citizens do not have time and knowledge to make good policy choices.
Distribution of Political Power A group called Political Elite possess a disproportionate share of power. They represent the actual distribution of power in making and implementing policy.
Views of Political Elite Class View Power elite view Bureaucratic view Pluralist view
Political Change The evolution of our institutions and policies has not stopped but is continuing. Political change is not always accompanied by change in policy and law but also the policy process.
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