Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to: 1. Discuss the importance of government. 2. Classify the different forms of the government. 3. Compare and contrast the different classifications of government.
Rationale Aristotle had a strong belief that citizens should be educated in a manner that moulds their minds to suit the form of government under which he or she lives, meaning that every government developed its own individual character and the better the character the better the government. Hence, one of things that is imperative for us to understand is the government. It is important to teach the college student about the government so they begin the process of becoming informed citizens. Government is a huge part of social studies and history. Many historical events have happened due to what political people have said or done, so it is important for them to know their roles.
The unit is going to be partially instructor directed and also the students will be exploring the issues further based on personal interest. Students will be encouraged to question and explore why the government runs the way that it does. The lesson, therefore, tries to discuss the relevance of having a government, its powers, functions and responsibilities, and its different classification as well.
The term government is derived from the Latin word “gubernare” or “gubernaculum” meaning to rudder or steer. According to Professors Ayson and Reyes, the government of the state is at the very center of politics. Government – refers to the agency through which the will of the people is formulated, expressed and carried out. One of the four essential elements of the state.
Essential Questions Forms of Government How can we classify governments? How are systems of government defined in terms of who can participate? How is power distributed within a state? How are governments defined by the relationship between the legislative and executive branches?
Classifying Governments Governments can be classified by three different standards. 1. As to the number of persons exercising sovereign powers. 2. As to extent of powers exercised by the central or national government. The geographic distribution of governmental power within the state. 3. As to the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government.
Forms of Government Absolute Monarchy Limited Monarchy Aristocracy/Oligarchy Direct Democracy Indirect/Representative Democracy Unitary Confederation Federal Parliamentary Presidential
As to the number of persons exercising sovereign powers. Monarchy Aristocracy/Oligarchy Dictatorship Democracy
Monarchy The powers are vested in the hands of a single person without regard to the source of his election or the nature of the duration of his tenure. Governance of a king, queen, emperor, sultan, emir
Classification of Monarchy 2. Constitutional/limited Monarchy 1. Absolute Monarchy
Absolute Monarchy This is a country where kings and queens are born into ruling families. The ruler rules in accordance with the divine right. Their power is inherited and unlimited.
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah 29th Sultan of Brunei Countries: Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain
Constitutional /Limited Monarchy This is a type of limited government where there is a king or queen but their power is limited by laws and the people elect representatives to a parliament or congress. The ruler rules in accordance with the constitution.
Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 16 commonwealth realms and other 54 commonwealth of nations Countries: Malaysia, Thailand, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Monaco
Aristocracy / Oligarchy the political power resides in, and is exercised by, a special and usually small class of persons whose privilege arises from birth, wealth, superior wisdom or priestly title.
House of Lords (Upper House) of the Parliament United Kingdom
Peerage The peerage is a legal system of largely hereditary titles in the United Kingdom, which is constituted by the ranks of British nobility and is part of the British honours system.
Ranks of Peerage Peerages Male Female Dukedom Duke Duchess Marquessate Marchioness Earldom Earl Countess Viscountcy Viscount Viscountess Barony Baron Baroness Baronetcy Baronet (Knight) Baronetess (Dame)
Dictatorship This is a country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control. Autocracy is a government in which a single person holds unlimited political power In a military dictatorship, the army is in control.
KIM JONG-UN Supreme Leader of North Korea Countries: Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, Mynmar,
Democracy In democracy, the supreme political authority rest with the people.
Types of Democracy 1. Absolute or Direct Democracy 2. Indirect, Representative Democracy, Republicanism
Direct Democracy This is a form of limited government where the people govern themselves directly—voting individually on issues.
Indirect, representative or republican democracy In a representative democracy, the government is elected by the people. Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have their say over who runs the country. They elect representatives who then make and enforce the laws.
Barack Hussein Obama II 44th President United States of America Countries: Philippines, USA, Singapore
Confederation Government Federal Government As to extent of powers exercised by the central or national government. As to extent of powers exercised by the central or national government. The geographic distribution of governmental power within the state. Unitary Government Confederation Government Federal Government
Classification by Geographic Distribution of Power Unitary Government has all powers held by a single central agency Confederation Government is an alliance of independent states. Federal Government is one in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local government.
Unitary Government -has all powers held by a single central agency Executive Power – held by the Philippine president Legislative Power – Congress of the Philippines House of Senate (Upper House) House of Representative (Lower House)
Confideration Government -is an alliance of independent states. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a confederation of seven emirates (equivalent to principalities), each governed by a hereditary emir, who choose one of their members to be the president of the federation
Federal Government is one in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local government. United States of America is federal states
As to the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government. Parliamentary Government Presidential Government
Classification by the Relationship Between Legislative and Executive Branches The Presidential Relationship Voters elect the legislature and the chief executive who is part of Executive Branch. The legislature and executive are independent and co-equal. System of Checks and Balance The Parliamentary Relationship Voters elect the legislature. The chief executive is drawn from the legislature.
Parliamentary Government It is the system in which the real executive – the cabinet or ministry – is immediately and legally responsible to the legislature or one branch of it for its legislative and administrative acts. merger of the executive and legislative department).
Presidential Government The president is the chief executive. The head of the state and government. President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III
Parliamentary Government Prime Minister is a member of the executive and legislative branch The head of the Parliament who is also the head of the government The monarch/ruler is the head of the state (ceremonial by nature) Parliament of the United kingdom House of Lords (Upper House) House of Commons (Lower House)
David Cameroon Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Countries: Malaysia, Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Russia, Japan
Philippine Government
What is the form, structure and system of the Philippine Government?
Form: Structure: System: Republican Unitary Presidential