A Peasants Wedding Lisandra Cervantes Marissa Carrasco
Starting Activity: Draw a picture of what a wedding looks like today and make sure to add the bride and groom.
Starting Activity
Structure 3 lines per stanza3 lines per stanza 3 rd person point of view3 rd person point of view
Picture- Back round Artist: Pieter Brueghel the Elder Created: 1567 Media: Oil paint Subject: Peasant
Thesis William Carlos Williams decided to portray how the painting expresses the meaning of an actual peasants wedding, and to show the emotion that is being showed in the settings.William Carlos Williams decided to portray how the painting expresses the meaning of an actual peasants wedding, and to show the emotion that is being showed in the settings.
Stanza 1 “Pour the wine bridegroom where before you the Bride is enthroned her hair” Interpretation: The husband is the guy that is serving the wine while the bride is sitting being treated like she's a queen.Interpretation: The husband is the guy that is serving the wine while the bride is sitting being treated like she's a queen. Vocabulary:Vocabulary: Enthroned-install (a monarch) on a throne, during a ceremony to mark the beginning of their rule.
Stanza 1: Literary Devices/tone Alliteration: bridegroom, bride, before Alliteration: bridegroom, bride, before Anthropomorphism: Bride is enthroned her hair Anthropomorphism: Bride is enthroned her hair Imagery: Pour the wine bridegroom Imagery: Pour the wine bridegroom Tone: Calm, Happy, Excited Tone: Calm, Happy, Excited
Stanza 2 “Loose at her temples a head of ripe wheat is on the wall beside her the” Interpretation: This stanza is talking about where the bride is in the picture, it explains that she is next to a ripe wheat.Interpretation: This stanza is talking about where the bride is in the picture, it explains that she is next to a ripe wheat.
Stanza 2: Literary Devices Imagery: “a head of ripe wheat is on the wall beside her the”Imagery: “a head of ripe wheat is on the wall beside her the” Tone: CalmTone: Calm
Stanza 3 “guests seated at long tables the bagpipers are ready there is a hound under” Interpretation: This stanza explains where the people are all seated and it talks about a hound being under the table, this shows that it is a poor or peasants wedding because there is a random dog under the table.Interpretation: This stanza explains where the people are all seated and it talks about a hound being under the table, this shows that it is a poor or peasants wedding because there is a random dog under the table.
Stanza 3: Literary Devices/Tone Imagery: “guests seated at long tablesImagery: “guests seated at long tables the bagpipers are ready there is a hound under” Rhyme: “there is a hound under”Rhyme: “there is a hound under” Tone: crazy, confusing, chaoticTone: crazy, confusing, chaotic
Stanza 4 “the table the bearded Mayor is present women in their starched headgear are” Interpretation: This stanza talks about the mayor being their which could mean this is an arranged marriage because on of the people getting married could be from a higher class.Interpretation: This stanza talks about the mayor being their which could mean this is an arranged marriage because on of the people getting married could be from a higher class. Vocabulary:Vocabulary: Starched headgear or toque: a woman's small hat, typically having a narrow, closely turned-up brim.
Stanza 4: Literary Devices/Tone Imagery:“the table the bearded MayorImagery:“the table the bearded Mayor is present women in their starched headgear are” Tone: formalTone: formal
Stanza 5 “gabbing all but the bride hands folded in her lap is awkwardly silent simple” Interpretation: All the women are having fun except the bride she is just sitting quietly and awkwardly.Interpretation: All the women are having fun except the bride she is just sitting quietly and awkwardly. Vocabulary:Vocabulary: Gabbing: talk, typically at length, about trivial matters
Stanza 5: Literary Devices/Tone Imagery: gabbing all but the brideImagery: gabbing all but the bride hands folded in her lap is awkwardly silent simple Alliteration: lap is awkwardly silent simpleAlliteration: lap is awkwardly silent simple Tone: AwkwardTone: Awkward
Stanza 6 “dishes are being served clabber and what not from a trestle made of an” Interpretation: This shows the chaos of the wedding and how every one is being rushed.Interpretation: This shows the chaos of the wedding and how every one is being rushed. Vocabulary:Vocabulary: Trestle: a framework consisting of a horizontal beam supported by two pairs of sloping legs, used in pairs to support a flat surface such as a tabletop.
Stanza 6: Literary Devices/Tone Imagery: “dishes are being served”Imagery: “dishes are being served” Senses: clabber and what notSenses: clabber and what not Tone: ChaoticTone: Chaotic
Stanza 7 “unhinged barn door by two helpers one in a red coat a spoon in his hatband” Interpretaion:In this stanza it emphizes the poverty of the wedding, it talks about two men carrying a door as a serving table.Interpretaion:In this stanza it emphizes the poverty of the wedding, it talks about two men carrying a door as a serving table. VocabularyVocabulary Hatband: a decorative ribbon encircling a hat, held in position above the brim.
Stanza 7: Literary Devices/Tone Imagery: “unhinged barn door by two helpers one in a red coat a spoon in his hatband”Imagery: “unhinged barn door by two helpers one in a red coat a spoon in his hatband” Tone: povertyTone: poverty
Mood/tone of overall poem and interpretation: Mood: Calm, Crazy, Chaotic, AwkwardMood: Calm, Crazy, Chaotic, Awkward Overall Interpretation: This poem by William Carlos William shows the poverty in this wedding, but at the same time it shows that one of the family's could be from a higher class because it shows that the mayor is at the wedding. By the bride being quite and still it shows that maybe she was forced into the marriage and she is unhappy.Overall Interpretation: This poem by William Carlos William shows the poverty in this wedding, but at the same time it shows that one of the family's could be from a higher class because it shows that the mayor is at the wedding. By the bride being quite and still it shows that maybe she was forced into the marriage and she is unhappy.
End activity: Class disscusion Why do you think that the bride and groom are so far from eachother? Do you think it is a sign of an arranged marriage or could it be that the bride was forced in an awkward situation?
Conclusion William Carlos Williams shows poverty by showing the different types of actions happening in the poem for example the door being used as a table and also the fact that this could be an arranged marriage because he uses the tone of the poem to portray the brides unhappiness.William Carlos Williams shows poverty by showing the different types of actions happening in the poem for example the door being used as a table and also the fact that this could be an arranged marriage because he uses the tone of the poem to portray the brides unhappiness.