AAHAM National Update Laurie Shoaf, CPAM Chair of the Board, National AAHAM September 26, 2013
AAHAM Vision Increase membership and the number of certified individuals through vigorous promotion of certification programs Assist with strengthening of local chapters Provide quality educational opportunities Increase awareness through social media Provide increased networking opportunities
Membership Totals All totals through June 30
Membership 2771 – by Type All totals through June 30
Provider Member Breakdown
Certified Patient Account Manager/Certified Clinic Account Manger (CPAM/CCAM) Certified Patient Account Technician/Certified Clinic Account Technician (CPAT/CCAT) An 8-hour online proctored examination Comprised of four (4) sections that contain multiple-choice, true/false, fill in the blank, short answer, essay and quantitative questions A 2-hour online proctored examination Comprised of three (3) sections that contain multiple choice questions. The sections include registration (front desk), billing and credit & collections
Certified Individuals June 2013
Annual National Institute (ANI) October 16-18, 2013 at Sheraton New Orleans Vibrant educational sessions on career focused topics Real solutions to day-to-day challenges from industry leaders Learn new techniques and acquire new skills See the latest products and services available to our industry Earn AAHAM continuing education units (CEUs) Expand your network and connect with colleagues Fantastic networking opportunities
Hot Topics – Over 35 speakers Great line up of keynote speakers Kent Rader – Motivational Weston Smith – Corporate fraud Paul Miller – Washington lobbyist Five (5) Tracks (ICD-10, Management/Revenue Cycle, Compliance/Specialty, Access/Quality Management, and Leadership/Professional Development) Excellent Speaker Line Up
CPAM training series: -Patient Access - July 19, Billing - August 2, Credit & Collections - August 16, Revenue Cycle Management - August 30, 2013 Cycling Through the Revenue Cycle: Are there Overlooked Paths of Opportunity? - August 14, 2013 Part B Rebilling for Denied or Invalid Part A Claims - August 28, 2013 Biometrics: The Future of Patient Identification is Here Today at INTEGRIS Health – September 18, 2013 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Implications for Eligibility/Exchange Enrollment - September 25, 2013 Web Conferences Cost Effective Education
Legislative Day 2013 – 9 th consecutive year Close to 100 attendees visited Capitol Hill Amendment of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)— began in 2012 continued in 2013, gaining significant momentum A very active issue Trying to get a bill sponsored in AAHAM’s name Paul Miller continually working this issue in DC Legislative Day Success
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