Vic Chancellor Directorate of Research and Development Process: Research and Development Procedure: Research Ethics Proposal Date 26 July 2004 /Page 1 of 2 Purpose of procedure: The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that Scope of procedure: This procedure applies to all campuses of Tshwane University of Technology and to all researchers involved in human, animal and environmental research align with the generally accepted research ethics code of the University. Definitions: “CRC” means Central Research Committee. “FRC” means Faculty Research Committee. “DVC” means Deputy Vice Chancellor. “NSPCA” means National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “AEC” means Animal Ethics Committee. “REC” means Research Ethics Committee InputFlow DiagramOutputDoc’sWho Procedure owner: [enter owner in this space] Checked by: Date: Start Next The REC only considers research proposals for ethical scrutiny and approval that a FRC has approved and forwarded for review, at least ten (10) days before a scheduled REC meeting. Approval by the FRC indicates that the proposal was “scrutinised” for language editing, ethical considerations, scientific validity and financial reliability and transparency with regard to the source of the finances A researcher wants to conduct human, animal or environment related research. Output/ outcome/ result of the process Policy: Research Ethics The Researcher REC FRC Where extraordinary circumstances arise, proposals are forwarded electronically to REC members, for comment. The Chairperson summarises their comments and indicates whether the majority approves or rejects the protocol. The student/study leader may correct or comments on the evaluation of the Committee members. The decisions are ratified at the next meeting. The REC retains the right to invite a researcher, as well as the supervisor in case of a postgraduate student, to provide information over and above that contained in the protocol under review. If a REC member is involved in a proposed research project, he or she will not have voting rights. Approval of projects is based on consensus. The REC keeps accurate minutes of meetings, which are submitted to the CRC for ratification. Minutes are open to public scrutiny. Minutes, as well as all documentation relevant to research projects, will be retained safely and securely by TUT. Document: Generally accepted Research Ethics Code
Vic Chancellor Directorate of Research and Development Process: Research and Development Procedure: Research Ethics Proposal Date 26 July 2004 /Page 2 of 2 Purpose of procedure: The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that Scope of procedure: This procedure applies to all campuses of Tshwane University of Technology and to all researchers involved in human, animal and environmental research align with the generally accepted research ethics code of the University. Definitions: “CRC” means Central Research Committee. “FRC” means Faculty Research Committee. “DVC” means Deputy Vice Chancellor. “NSPCA” means National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “AEC” means Animal Ethics Committee. “REC” means Research Ethics Committee InputFlow DiagramOutputDoc’sWho Procedure owner: [enter owner in this space] Checked by: Date: Back End The REC informs the researcher, as well as the supervisor/project leader in writing, of the approval or rejection of a project. A researcher wants to conduct human, animal or environment related research. Output/ outcome/ result of the process REC The researcher Where a project is rejected, the REC provides the researcher with the recorded reasons for the rejection. The REC affords a researcher whose project has been rejected, an opportunity to respond to the decision, in writing. A researcher may lodge an appeal to the CRC against the REC’s rejection of his or her protocol. In such a case, the CRC co-opts two experts from the relevant field to consider the appeal. The REC holds the supervisor/project leader responsible for ensuring that the Committee’s directives are adhered to. If there is any deviation from the approved protocol, the proposal must be referred back to the relevant FRC and the CRC. Policy: Research Ethics Document: Generally accepted Research Ethics Code