A Fresh Look At Jesus’ Ministry Strategy
Jesus Ministry Mat 4:12-17 Nazareth – Leaving it. Capernaum – New Base. Why do Gentiles live there? Trade routes…
Jesus Ministry Mat 4:12-17 Nazareth – Leaving it. Capernaum – New Base. Why do Gentiles live there? Trade routes… Message - Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Mat 4:23-25 Galilee – Region/Province Teaching – Synagogues Preaching – The Good News of the Kingdom Healing – Demonstrating the Kingdom Syria – Country next door Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea & the region across the Jordan – Regions/Provinces around
Jesus Ministry Mat 9:35 – 10:8 Teaching, Preaching, Demonstrating the Kingdom. Selects His Team (Key to the many is always investing in the right few) Sends out the 12 ► Mark 3:13-15 – He called those He wanted, They came, To be with Him, That he might send them out, to – Preach & Demonstrate the Kingdom.
Jesus Ministry Luke 10:1,9,17 Sends out the 72 Ahead of Him Team Demonstrating & Preaching Returned rejoicing Luke 24:45-49 Sends out the Whole Church Great Commission Opened their minds Repentance Kingdom To all Nations Wait for Holy Spirit
The Early Church’s following of Jesus’ Example
Early Church’s Commission Acts 1:4-8 Power to witness Jerusalem Judea Samaria Ends of the Earth This verse a Cameo of the book of Acts Ch 1-8; 8-13;
THE APOSTOLIC STRATEGY THE PROVINCE NEXT DOOR YOUR PROVINCE REACHING OUT TO THE UTTERMOST PARTS OF THE EARTH YOUR CITY Acts 1:8 Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth 1 Thessalonians 1:7-8 Thessalonica, Macedonia, Achaia, known everywhere Acts 19:10 Colossians 4:13 Ephesus, Asia, Colosse, Laodicea and Hierapolis 2 Corinthians 10:15-16 Corinth, our area of activity among you, in the regions beyond you. Romans 15:24 Corinth, Rome, Spain
Paul’s following of Jesus’ Example
Paul’s Ministry Acts 26:12-20 Servant & Witness Damascus Jerusalem Judea To the Gentiles Preached Repentance
Paul’s Ministry Acts 26:12-20 Servant & Witness Damascus Jerusalem Judea To the Gentiles Preached Repentance 1 Thess 1:4-10 Power – Holy Spirit – Deep Convictions Imitators of Apostles & Jesus Model Macedonia Achaia Everywhere. Repentance
Paul’s Ministry 2 Cor 10:13-16 Our hope is that as your faith grows our area of activity among you will be greatly expanded… Rom 15:17-19 & & 28 Paul’s Goal was Spain – the end of the then known world. 1 Cor 11:1 Will we follow the example set for us?
Nations Practicals Go experience it for yourself. Pray for the Nations, Teams, Prophetic Words. Pay for others if you can’t go yourself. Help look after the families that are left behind. Help look after the church while the leaders are away. Make your resources available for the nations, cars, trailers, tents, jerry cans etc. (Steward it well) Use your gifting to bless the team going.