Nuclear Science User Facilities NSUF Solicitation Overview Jeff Benson NSUF Program Administrator Idaho National Laboratory NSUF User Meeting 6/22/15 INL/MIS
2 NSUF RTE Overview Rapid Turnaround Experiments (RTEs) offer researchers the opportunity to perform quick analysis of a small number of samples. Irradiation experiments that require use of the ATR, MIT, or HFIR reactors do not qualify as rapid turnaround experiments. All rapid turnaround experiment proposals are reviewed for feasibility, program relevance, group expertise, and scientific merit. NSUF makes every effort to match reviewers' expertise to the proposal's research areas. All reviewers are in the NEUP review pool. Proposals are scored on scientific merit (50%), technical feasibility (30%), and capability of the group (20%). The NSUF Chief Scientist and TIO of the LWRS program perform the relevance review. Proposals are also reviewed for feasibility at INL and partner facilities. A principal investigator and affiliated team members (co PI's working on the same team or research area) may only submit a total of two proposals per call. A principal investigator will not be allowed to propose a new RTE if they have three active experiments during the call period.
3 NSUF Rapid Turnaround Experiments (RTE) Rapid Turnaround Experiment solicitations are on a 4 month cycle: ‾ 1 st call from September - January ‾ 2 nd call from January - May ‾ 3 rd call from May - September
4 RTE Guidelines for CAES MaCS Guidelines for the use of CAES MaCS Award for use of the MaCS laboratory is limited to 6 months duration Awarded proposals are granted access to the lab for a single researcher per proposal FIB time is limited to 6 days in a 6 month period (no more than 2 consecutive days at a time). Maximum of 4 days in a month All other instruments are limited to a maximum of 10 days (combined, not per instrument) in a 6 month period with no more than 3 consecutive days at a time
5 RTE Guidelines for Other Partners Award is limited to 6 months duration Instrumentation use same as MaCS Lab policies Only use one facility per proposal Beamline experiment applications will follow RTE schedule
6 NSUF Full Proposals Full Call- Part of the annual DOE-NE CINR FOA – Letter of intent is required for NSUF access – Pre-application is required – Full application is required Appendix F: Accessing the Nuclear Science User Facility
7 NSUF Full Proposals NSUF access (NSUF-1) – The NSUF does not provide funding to the proposing researcher to support salaries, tuition, travel, etc. – FY 15 up to ~$4.7 million available NSUF types of awards available – NSUF access only – NSUF access coupled to R&D funding Research funding is available to support university/faculty/students or lab led proposals (program supporting/mission supporting) – University-led (NEUP) Program supporting (up to $800,000) Mission supporting (up to $400,000) – National lab/industry/university led (NEET) Program supporting (up to $1,000,000) Mission supporting (up to $500,000)
8 NSUF Full Proposals Kick off webinar sometime the week of August 10-14