People act carelessly and need to pay more attention. People cross the street at red lights when cars are coming. People smoke when they know it is bad for them. People litter when they know it is bad for the environment and it is annoying to other people to see garbage on the floor. People leave a mess in the bathroom and café. People park cars in front of fire hydrants. People push and stand on the yellow line where the trains come into the subway station.
Car accidents are another careless act. People often use their phones and other things they should not do when driving. One time when I was walking home from school a guy was driving about 70 MPH and texting on his phone while he was driving. He hit the car in front of him and that made that car go into the next car. Also he almost hit my mom, my brother and me. So people need to pay attention! We were lucky because according to the website in 2011 about 2,000 people were killed and 10,000 were hurt in car accidents.
Mess at schoolMess at school In my school, PS 290 in New York City, after lunch it is disgusting and is a mess in the cafe and in the bathroom. After lunch my class has gym. When we go down to gym (the gym is in the café) we cannot play because the floor is a mess and we have to wait for it to be cleaned. Other people like myself and my classmates don’t like seeing garbage on the floor because it is disgusting and we have to sit in it. This happens everyday so whoever is doing it is being really thoughtless about the people who come to use the café and the bathroom. Then James (the custodian who cleans the school) has to clean it all up and that isn’t fair.
Photos of the boys bathrooms in my school.
People crossing at red lights Crossing the street at red lights when cars are coming or looking down at your phone and texting is really dangerous. This careless act is a really common one and it is dangerous. In ,280 people were killed and 70,000 were hurt.(Injury I know I have seen this a lot especially on 86 th street. People crossing the street and at the same time cars are coming on 86 th street.
Cars driving through red lights when people are walking This car is driving through the intersection while a woman was walking across the street. It was her light.
Smoking Smoking is really bad for you. People who do it are hurting themselves and everyone else because the smoke pollutes our air. If you smoke it can give you lung cancer and other harmful diseases. When I am on 86 th Street I see a lot of people smoke and I think to myself, hopefully these people know what will happen to them and if they do they are acting very carelessly.
Littering People littering is really bad because it creates pollution and other people don’t want to see it. If people keep littering New York will become very polluted. Many times I see garbage on the street and sidewalk and I think, why litter if there is a garbage can at every corner? Sometimes I even see people litter in front of me. One time I saw a guy in front of me just keep throwing candy wrappers on the floor. He threw about 5 on the floor. We were right next to the garbage can. He made me so angry when he did that. Trash dumped on the ground. Somebody littered and now it is on the ground
People parked in front of fire hydrants It is dangerous when a car parks in front of a fire hydrant. If there were a fire, the fire men could not get to the hydrant.
Subway Standing on the yellow line is really dangerous because you could fall on to the tracks if someone pushed or bumped you accidentally. You could also trip and fall. If this happened you could get hit by the train.
Other pictures of careless actsOther pictures of careless acts This man was crossing at a red light when a car was coming This car is going the wrong way down a one-way street.
Conclusion Many people are not careful about what they are doing. We need to bring attention to the danger of such carelessness. Instead of texting and driving, wait until you stop then you can text or pull over to the side of the road and text. Instead of littering just go to the trash cans and throw your garbage away. New York City puts those trash cans there to prevent all the garbage on the ground. Instead of crossing at red lights just wait for it to turn green. It is really important that we stop being so careless and start to pay more attention to these careless acts and other ones too.