Introduction to Computer Programming Using C Session 23 - Review
Objectives: By the end of this session, the student will be able to: Name and define 5 categories of Computer Architecture Show how these categories inter-relate Define the function of input devices Define the function of output devices Define the function of Primary Storage Distinguish between addresses and data List the two parts of the CPU Describe the function of each part of the CPU Define the function of Secondary Storage Describe the interaction between: Hardware Operating System Application Software User 3
Objectives: By the end of this session, the student will be able to: List the first three stages of the evolution of computer languages Compare the three stages from a programmer's point of view List other 3GL languages Construct Boolean Logic Charts Apply Boolean Logic to problems List the steps in a model Systems Development Life Cycle Describe the purpose of each of the model steps List the 7 steps of a model Program Development Cycle Describe the purpose of each step of the PDC List the steps that occur when compiling a computer program 4
Objectives: By the end of this session, the student will be able to: Explain the purpose of the IPO Chart List which columns of an IPO Chart contain verbs, which contain nouns Represent a word problem in an IPO Chart Explain the purpose of a Hierarchy Chart Develop a Hierarchy chart for a word problem Define Module Cohesion List 4 of the 7 levels of module cohesion 5
Objectives: By the end of this session, the student will be able to: List the three elements of the Structure Theorem Identify the symbols used in flowcharts Recognize the flowchart symbols and their meaning Construct the elements of the Structure Theorem using Flowcharts 4
6 Objectives Design good test data Synthesize a Test Plan from test data Apply a rigorous approach to testing flowcharts using Walkthroughs
7 Objectives To write pseudocode To convert Flowcharts into Pseudocode To perform walkthroughs on pseudocode To represent data files in flowcharts and pseudocode To represent arrays in flowcharts and pseudocode
8 Objectives Review the structure of UNIX To recall basic UNIX commands to perform typical user functions on a UNIX machine To be prepared for Lab#1
9 Objectives Construct the basic structure of a C program Use this structure in creating programs that can be compiled List the data types used in C Differentiate between integer and float data types Select the most appropriate data type for the data Explain the purpose of the #include statement Use the #include to include system libraries and user libraries Apply coding conventions to provide the approved layout of a program Apply coding conventions in the creation of variable names Apply coding conventions in the creation of C statements Apply coding conventions in the creation of C comments
10 Objectives To correctly create an assignment statement in C To use the assignment statement in C to initialize or set a variable to a value To correctly form an arithmetic statement in C To use arithmetic statements to modify the value of a variable To correctly form a relational statement in C To evaluate the result of relational expressions To correctly express logical expressions using C logical operators To interpret the Order of Precedence table To correctly determine the sequence in which an expression will be evaluated To format a #define statement correctly To use a #define statement in a C program To construct a printf() statement To use a printf() statement in a C program To construct a scanf() statement To use a scanf() statement in a C program
11 Objectives To convert pseudocode into C code To develop the basis for working with pointers in C.
12 Objectives Predict the automatic conversion of data types using the promotion hierarchy Use the promotion hierarchy to determine the stored result of a calculation Define the purpose of the cast operator Use the cast operator to override automatic conversions of data types. To name the elements of a function declaration To construct a function declaration and its prototype To differentiate between Pass-by-reference and Pass-by-value To declare a function that is capable of altering contents of a variable in the calling module
13 Objectives To define arrays within the C language To use arrays in a C program To pass arrays between functions Define what a string is List the three methods strings can be stored in a computer. Use arrays to store strings List the standard C functions for manipulating strings List the parameters for the C string functions, and their restrictions Use the C string functions to manipulate strings List the file open and close functions, with their parameters and return values List the three modes to open a file in Explain the behavior of the computer when opening existing and non-existent files under these modes Use the file commands to read formatted and unformatted data from text files
14 Objectives List the file open and close functions, with their parameters and return values List the three modes to open a file in Explain the behaviour of the computer when opening existing and non-existent files under these modes Use the file commands to read formatted and unformatted data from text files
15 Objectives To define the three levels of scope To show the scope limits of variables within a C program Show the syntax to declare a structure Pass structures to functions Show the structure of Assignment Operators Predict the result of a statement that uses Assignment Operators Use Assignment Operators in C code List data classification functions, and how they behave for different data values Use the classification functions in C code List data conversion functions, and what the nature of the conversion is Use data conversion functions in C code