Creating Our Future
1.How old will you be in 2040? 2.What will our world look like in 2040? 3.Put your thoughts into a time capsule, which will not be opened until Will you have predicted the future?
What might you consider? World population Medical advances Transport Plants/forests/open land Animals Employment Leisure – sport, art, music, theatre, computers Housing Dress Shopping Communication Education Housing/living conditions Technology Power – energy Laws World power/leaders Peace/war Distribution of wealth Voting systems Furniture
How many will go into the time capsule? You are working in a new Learning Team. In each team you will be working in a group of 5 (one from each year group) Your group will be considering what your world will be like in You will be asked to make predictions about life in twenty eight years time as well as deciding on key items that you want to be placed in a time capsule that would be opened in Your group will be putting forward a collection of 4 ideas – you have until the end of Thursday LS3 to decide on these, consider the past, present and future and what form you want them to be stored in the time capsule – text and or diagrams On Friday you will be asked to present your ideas to the rest of your Learning Team and as a group you will vote for one to go forward to the rest of the school. The one selected is to be ed to that day.
What next? On Monday 19 th you will be back in your tutor group where you will be ed the best 45 collection of ideas. On Tuesday 20 th and Thursday 22 nd March during LS3, you will be asked to vote for the best one. The tutor will then these suggestions to who will then pass them on to the Learner Leadership Team, who will judge the best collection on Monday 26 th March. The best collection will be selected to be placed in the time capsule.