Kevin Donnelly in 1965 held the first frisbee golf tournament in Newport Beach California. Previous versions of frisbee golf date back to the 1920’s Ed Headrick modernized the sport by creating rules, and baskets in the 1970’s.
Disc are broken down into 3 categories: drivers, mid-range, and putters. Usually 8-9 inches wide. Disc have different stability ratings: Disc are considered overstable or understable depending on weather they turn right or left. General Stability Range -3 to +3. 0 be stable. -3 very understable (right) +3 overstable (left)
Drivers: Weight is on edges not even distributed. Beveled edge to cut through air faster. (overstable) Mid-Range: Weight is evenly distributed. Can be used for driving for beginners. (understable) Putter: Weight is evenly distributed and tends to be heavier. (stable) Recreational Disc: Larger than disc golf disc and are made with lips for catching.
Play starts by teeing off. This is done from a specific area known as a tee pad. Player must stay within the tee pad, can’t cross into playing surface. One disc an established position the golfer will mark it’s lie. Established position occurs when disc has stopped moving.
Throwing from established position: Player must keep one foot in contact with playing surface. Prior to throw player can’t touch lie marker or out of bounds. After disc release player can follow through and have contact in front of lie (disc marker).
Putting: If disc lands within 33 feet of the basket this is considered the putting area. While putting a person can not come in contact with playing surface beyond lie marker. If throw causes disc to land out of bounds a penalty throw is added.
If OB player has two options: Option 1 is to play from previous lie Option 2 is to play approximately 3 feet from where it went OB