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Changing Club Description
Frontend Backend Tips: Do not embed logo in the description use Featured image instead Keep the description short. You may include your mission statement and upcoming events. Avoid pictures. If any should be appropriately sized Do not include contact information or officer names in the club description
Frontend Backend
Posting Content
News Announcement Event Internship highlight Travel experience Event review Job posting Detailed information about an event Internship highlight Travel experience Event review Job posting Detailed information about an event For your attention Stuff Usually Time Sensitive Can be an Event Reminder Short. To-the-point For your attention Stuff Usually Time Sensitive Can be an Event Reminder Short. To-the-point City Trek Case Competition Golf Tournament etc. City Trek Case Competition Golf Tournament etc. Title Description Category Tags Featured Image Excerpt Title Description Category Tags Featured Image Excerpt Title Description Category Tags Featured Image Excerpt Title Description Category Tags Featured Image Excerpt Title Description Category Tags Featured Image Excerpt Event Information Title Description Category Tags Featured Image Excerpt Event Information Has Is KrannertLife Content Types
News/Announcement/Event Posts = News
Tips: Keep the title short preferably less than 10 words (Think about a News Headline) Do not use any fancy font for the body. If pasting content, do as unformatted text Do not clutter pictures in the post. Use appropriate sizes Title Body News/Announcement/Event
Tips: A post can be scheduled to publish on a later date. Edit the “Published on” date to schedule Set the category that corresponds to only your club/area. For example, if CIBER then only CIBER and not “Centers and Programs” (the parent category) Set the tags that make sense. If you think a post is worthy of being featured on the homepage, add the tag “Featured” (Note only 4 most recent Featured posts get shown) Every post should have a Featured Image. It not only enhances the appearance of the post but also helps locate the post easily in the listing or Newsletter Scheduling Category Tags Featured Image News/Announcement
Tips: Set Category and Event Category as same Checking “Hide from Upcoming Events List” will hide the event from showing on the upcoming events widget on homepage as well as the list view. The event would still show up in the Calendar Check “Hide from Upcoming Events List” for events like: classes start, spring break ends, etc. Category Event Category Featured Image Event Tags
Excerpt Tips: Summarize the post using Excerpt. The excerpt is used throughout the website and also while posting to external websites like Facebook and Twitter News/Announcement/Event
Event Date/Time Location Tips: For events that span multiple days check “All day event?” For recurring events, create separate events Fill out as much information about the venue as possible. If location is Rawls, no need to enter Address, City, Country, State, Postal Code or Phone Checking Google Map options in Location would show an embedded Google Map (only if the Address is set) Event organizer and cost details are not used
Title Body Featured Image News/Announcement/Event Event Date/Time & Venue
Event Embedded Google Map
Featured Image Title Excerpt News/Announcement/Event
Featured Image Title Excerpt
Uploading Media
Upload Media Edit URL Upload Files
Uploading Media Not recommended to select Media and insert into post
Uploading Media Use Set featured image Select Media and click ‘Set featured image’
NOTE 1. Please, login to KrannertLife (top right corner and go to profile) and update your first name, last name and PROFESSIONAL picture. If the first and last names of a board member are missing in the profile, his/her name will not be listed on the page. As soon as he/she updates the profile, the name should be shown on the page. 2. KrannertLife should be your first source of information. A event/news/announcement should be first posted on KLife and then the same can be shared on Facebook groups or Twitter or through s to your clubs. You should see the Social Media Integration buttons below the heading of any post. 3. You can use the ‘Discussion’ section at the bottom of each post to add on any additional information about the post. 4. All ‘Featured’ posts (with a tag of ‘featured’) should have a featured image selected. 5. All images should be of resolution at least 650X650.