WP4 deliverable Critical Infrastructure Protection: Attack Prevention Solutions and Attacks
thanks to Unipi (Dini) Unical (Buccafurri) Unitn (Allodi) Polimi (Zanero) Unina (Cinque)
ToC Table of contents Executive Summary Introduction Cluster: Security Principles Cluster: SCADA Protection Cluster: WSN Protection Cluster: Mobile Platforms Protection Cluster: Privacy Protection Cluster: Physical Security of Critical Infrastructures Cluster: Study of Black Markets and New Methodology for Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Cluster: Attacks Conclusions
Cluster structure 5-10 lines general goals and achievements Itemized paper Abstract Example M. Conti, R. Di Pietro, and A. Spognardi, “Clone Wars: Distributed Detection of Clone Attack in Mobile WSNs.”, In (Elsevier) Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 80, Issue 3, May 2014, Pages 654–669 Abstract: Among security challenges raised by mobile Wireless Sensor Networks, clone attack is particularly dreadful since it makes an adversary able to subvert the behavior of a network just leveraging a few replicas of some previously compromised sensors. In this work, we provide several contributions: first, we introduce two novel realistic adversary models, the vanishing and the persistent adversary, characterized by different compromising capability. We then propose two distributed, efficient, and cooperative protocols to detect replicas: History Information-exchange Protocol (HIP) and its optimized version (HOP). Both HIP and HOP leverage just local (one-hop) communications and node mobility, and differ for the amount of computation required. We study their behavior against the introduced types of attacker, considering two different mobility models and comparing our solutions against the state of the art. Both analysis and simulation results show that our solutions are effective and efficient, providing high detection rate, while incurring limited overhead.
Security Principles WSN Protection Mobile Platforms Protection SCADA Protection Privacy ProtectionAttacks Black Markets and Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Physical Security