Load Balance in Linux Load balancing Sung-joon Choi Real-Time Operating Systems Lab. Seoul National University
2 Contents Load balancing Purpose Definition General cases Active load balancing Passive load balancing Special cases Execution of a new task CPU’s shut down or intentionally being IDLE Limitation Load Balance in Linux
3 Load Balancing Purpose 시스템에 코어 수보다 많은 수의 작업 (task) 이 있는 한, 모든 코어가 IDLE 상태 없이 수행하도록 조절 Mechanism 코어 간에 작업량 차이가 크지 않도록 조절 Definition Load balancing SMP 구조에서 각 코어가 균등한 작업량 (load) 을 가지도록 조절 하는 것 Load 코어의 run-queue 가 갖는 모든 task 들의 weight 를 더한 값 Load Balance in Linux
4 Load Balancing Definition (cont.) Idlest run-queue A run-queue that has the minimum load among the cores Busiest run-queue A run-queue that has the maximum value which is scale factor “load / (core’s power)” 모든 코어의 power 가 동일하다면 maximum load 를 갖는 코어 의 run-queue 를 의미한다 이종의 프로세서를 사용하는 시스템이라면 각 코어의 power 가 다를수도 있다. 일반적으로 power 는 capacity 또는 작업수행능력을 의미한다. Load Balance in Linux
5 Contents Load balancing Purpose Definition General cases (mainly focused part) Active load balancing Passive load balancing Special cases Execution of a new task CPU’s shut down or intentionally being IDLE Limitation Load Balance in Linux
6 General Cases Active Load Balancing Load Balance in Linux Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 4 Task 3 Task 5 Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 4 Task 3 Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 4 Task 3 Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING Going to DEAD Core 1 is going to IDLE Run-queue is empty Task migration Task 2 (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight)
7 Active Load Balancing Implementation When a task is going to end up its execution time do_exit() Sets task’s state to “TASK_DEAD” schedule() –In back-end procedure, if a core’s state is IDLE, it calls “idle_balance()” – idle_balance() »To pull a task on the busiest core’s run-queue, it calls “load_balance()” » load_balance() »Does a task migration General Cases
8 Active Load Balancing Drawback Active load balancing 으로도 충분히 load balancing 을 달성 할 수 있지만 코어 간 작업량 차이가 큰 상황인데도 각 태스크의 수행시간 이 길어서 IDLE 상태를 갖게 되는 코어가 한동안 없다면, 단 기간 내 load balancing 의 목적을 달성할 수 없다. 이 상황을 피하기 위해서 주기적인 조절이 필요하다 General Cases
9 Passive(Periodic) load balancing Load Balance in Linux Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task 4 Task 6 Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task 3 Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task 3 Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 4 Task 6 Task 3 Busiest run-queue Idlest run-queue Task 2 Task 3 For a long time, there is no IDLE core Task 4 Task 6 Periodic check If there is big gap of load between cores, it is uncomfortable Task 4 Task 6 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task migration READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING Going to DEAD (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight)
10 Passive Load Balancing Triggered by scheduler_tick() Tick value is compared with a parameter “next_balance” which is the time to do load balancing Each run-queue has “next_balance” If a core takes the active load balancing, the parameter is set to 1 second after If a core takes the passive load balancing, the parameter is set to 1 minute after 1 초와 1 분의 차이는 IDLE 상태를 밸런싱했던 코어는 다시 IDLE 상태가 되기 쉽기 때문에 곧바로 밸런싱을 해주기 위한 것 Executed by bottom-half handler A softirq named “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” is handled by “run_rebalance_domains()” General Cases
11 Passive Load Balancing Implementation – start load balance General Cases Timer interrupt invokes “scheduler_tick()” If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Busiest run-queue Idlest run-queue READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task 7 Task 3 Task 6 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 4
12 Passive Load Balancing Implementation – step1 General Cases If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Softirq table …… ?????? SCHED_SOFTIRQSCHED_SOFTIRQ Busiest run-queue Idlest run-queue READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task 7 Task 3 Task 6 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 4
13 Passive Load Balancing Implementation – step2 General Cases Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 ksoftirqdksoftirqd Task 5 Task 7 Busiest run-queue Idlest run-queue Task 3 READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” Softirq table …… ?????? SCHED_SOFTIRQSCHED_SOFTIRQ Task 6 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 4
14 Passive Load Balancing Implementation – step3 General Cases Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 ksoftirqdksoftirqd Task 5 Task 7 Busiest run-queue Idlest run-queue Task 3 READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” Softirq table …… ?????? SCHED_SOFTIRQSCHED_SOFTIRQ Task 6 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 4 Step3: the thread executes a function “do_ksoftirqd()” that picks a softirq and calls its handler function picks a softirq and calls its handler function Step3: the thread executes a function “do_ksoftirqd()” that picks a softirq and calls its handler function picks a softirq and calls its handler function run_rebalance_domains()run_rebalance_domains() Handler function (bottom-half handler)
15 Passive Load Balancing Implementation – step4 General Cases Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 ksoftirqdksoftirqd Task 5 Task 7 Busiest run-queue Idlest run-queue Task 3 READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” Softirq table …… ?????? SCHED_SOFTIRQSCHED_SOFTIRQ Task 6 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 4 Step3: the thread executes a function “do_ksoftirqd()” that picks a softirq and calls its handler function picks a softirq and calls its handler function Step4: the handler function finds the busiest run-queue to pull a task Step3: the thread executes a function “do_ksoftirqd()” that picks a softirq and calls its handler function picks a softirq and calls its handler function Step4: the handler function finds the busiest run-queue to pull a task run_rebalance_domains()run_rebalance_domains() Handler function (bottom-half handler)
16 Passive Load Balancing Implementation – step5 General Cases Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 ksoftirqdksoftirqd Task 5 Task 7 Busiest run-queue Idlest run-queue Task 3 READYREADYRUNNINGRUNNING (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) (Assumption: all tasks have same weight) If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” If the tick value is equal to or greater than parameter “next_balance”, Step1: raises a softirq “SCHED_SOFTIRQ” to kernel Step2: finds the idlest run-queue to invoke a kernel thread “ksoftirqd” Softirq table …… ?????? SCHED_SOFTIRQSCHED_SOFTIRQ Task 6 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 4 Step3: the thread executes a function “do_ksoftirqd()” that picks a softirq and calls its handler function picks a softirq and calls its handler function Step4: the handler function finds the busiest run-queue to pull a task Step5: task migration Step3: the thread executes a function “do_ksoftirqd()” that picks a softirq and calls its handler function picks a softirq and calls its handler function Step4: the handler function finds the busiest run-queue to pull a task Step5: task migration run_rebalance_domains()run_rebalance_domains() Handler function (bottom-half handler) Task 4
17 Passive Load Balancing Implementation General Cases Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task 6 Task 3 Task 4 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 7 Run-queueRun-queueRun-queueRun-queue Current task Core 0 Core 1 Task 1 Task 2 Task 5 Task 7 Task 3 Task 6 Next_balanceNext_balanceNext_balanceNext_balance Task 4
18 Passive Load Balancing Drawback This algorithm has large overhead The algorithm should check the maximum and minimum load out of all cores And, if a current core is not the idlest one, –The kernel thread “ksoftirqd” should be enqueued to the idlest run- queue of other core and waken up –Also, a current task of the target core that has the idlest run-queue is preempted by “ksoftirqd” Tradeoff: balancing time interval throughput latency General Cases
19 Contents Load balancing Purpose Definition General cases Active load balancing Passive load balancing Special cases Execution of a new task CPU’s shut down or intentionally being IDLE Limitation Load Balance in Linux
20 Special Cases Execution of a new task When a new task is created in one core, kernel checks the core’s load whether it is reasonable to handle a new task If the load is unacceptable, current task of the core is migrated to the idlest core’s run-queue and rescheduled And a new task is executed in the core (not the idlest core) CPU’s shut down or intentionally being IDLE When one core should be shut down or intentionally be IDLE, such as in POWER_SAVING_LOAD_BALANCE All tasks in its run-queue are migrated to other cores Actually, this case is just a task migration Load Balance in Linux
21 Contents Load balancing Purpose Definition General cases Active load balancing Passive load balancing Special cases Execution of a new task CPU’s shut down or intentionally being IDLE Limitation Load Balance in Linux
22 Limitation Global Fairness Global Fairness 는 여러 개의 CPU 로 이루어진 SMP 에서 모 든 task 가 자신의 weight 에 비례해서 run-time 을 보장받는 정 도를 의미한다. SMP 환경에서 Run queue 가 CPU 에 하나씩 있고, Load Balance 는 각 Run queue 의 load(sum of weight) 만을 고려해 서 task 를 옮기므로 task 가 자신의 weight 에 비례한 시간을 못 받는 경우가 생긴다. Example) Dual-core CPU 에 서로 같은 weight 를 갖는 task1, 2, 3 가 있을 때 CPU1 의 Run-queue 에는 task1 이 있고, CPU2 의 Run-queue 에는 task2, task3 이 들어간다. 이 경우 load balance 가 잘 일어나지 않으므로 서로 같은 weight 를 갖고 있음에도 같 은 run-time 을 보장 받지 못한다. Load Balance in Linux
23 End Q & A? CFS in Linux