The Rise of Spain
Centralizing Spain Marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon Catholic monarchs Created religious orthodoxy
Spanish Inquisition
Enforce the conversion of Moors and Jews Interrogated and punished those questioning Church doctrine Reinforced the power of the monarchy
Spain’s Economy
Colonial Empire –10 % Crown’s income –triple silver resources 16th century European Boom Traded with France and Italian city-states. Supplied the colonies
Spain’s Monarchy Spanish Hapsburg
Charles V (son of Joanna) a Hapsburg ( ) Holy Roman Emperor Many wars and high taxation Philip II inherited Spain Developed larger bureaucracy Logistics created difficulties
Phillip II (1556 – 1598) Inherited Portugal, possessed 17 provinces of the Netherlands and the Free County of Burgundy.
Potosi Cervantes Don Quixote Lope de Vega wrote 200 dramas El Greco, Murillo, and Velazquez Jesuit Suarez - philosphy
Decline of Spain Overextended Dutch Revolt High taxation Inquisition in land of Calvinists Duke of Alba (Council of Troubles)
Revolt of the Netherlands
Spanish Road Spanish Mutinies Spanish Desertion Defeat of the Spanish Armada Maurice de Nassau
Price Revolution (Gold and Silver from America) times the military expenditures of the Dutch, English and French. 1576, epidemics, plagues, harvest failures. New taxation (Excise [sales] Tax)
History Ruled by Spain (Charles V) Federalist union Defensive alliance against Spain Did not want absolutism
Seven provinces with States General Autonomy, provincial sovereignty, and religious pluralism Nobility weak economic and political role Oligarchy House of Orange served as chief officials
17th century saw development Amsterdam Public Bank backbone of financial operations Facilitate foreign trade Expanded agriculture Land reclamation, increased productivity sustain larger population
1630s 2,500 ships accounted for 1/2 of Europe shipping Trade monopolies were granted Dutch East India Company Established company settlements in the East
Famous mathamatician, physicist, and astronomer
Father of microbiology. Improved the microscope
Laid foundations for international law Freedom of the seas
Greatest Painters in European history. Most important Dutch Painter
Rival resources of population (England and France) Wars against England drained resources. Foreign tariffs on Dutch goods Colonial empire lagged behind Louis XIV Industry could not compete (wages and technology)