WATERHOLIC A drop of water a drop of hope PALERMO AND SICILY
Italy: the “boot” Approaching Palermo
Sicily: the “Trinacria”
Palermo:“Conca d’Oro”(Golden Basin) Monte Pellegrino Capo Zafferano
The Gulf Capo Zafferano Monte Pellegrino
short infos: 4th or 5th most populated town in Italy (urban area) (metropolitan area) over year old history more than 6 civilizations
Civilizations #1 Greeks and Phoenicians (ancient navigators and traders from the eastern Mediterranean - Egypt and Mesopotamia area) in the 7th Century B.C. Punic wars and Roman Empire (250 B.C.) Byzantine Empire (293 A.D. the Eastern part of the Roman Empire) Arab Rule ( Palermo becomes the capital of an Emirate) TheNormans restored christianity (1071 Palermo becomes capital of the kingdom of Sicily) 13th century (1212) Frederick II of Swabia
Civilizations #2 French Angevins (Charles I of Anjou) 1266– : Sicilian War of Vespers, then Spanish Aragons (Sicily becomes the seat of a Spanish viceroy) 1734 Sicily i a Spanish possession, part of the Kingdom of “two Sicilies” with Naples as capital) Kingdom of Italy: general Giuseppe Garibaldi conquer Marsala and finally Palermo with his troops (the “Thousands”) in allied American forces free Sicily from Nazi-fascism: Palermo is heavily bombed to chase German forces and its historical center is seriously damaged
ART Arab-Norman architecture combining Islamic, Romanesque and Byzantine elements Catalan Gothic Characterized by sobriety, proportions (width instead of verticality) and elegance Renaissance Domenico Gagini (sculptor) and Antonello da Messina (painter) Baroque Giacomo Amato (architect),Pietro Novelli, Antoon Van Dyck (painters) Rococo Giacomo Serpotta (sculptor), Wilhelm Borremans (painter) Liberty (Art Nouveau) Ernesto Basile (architect)
Symbols of Palermo and Sicily The Sicilian flag The eagle of Palermo The football team shield
Symbols of Palermo and Sicily Sicilian puppets: I “pupi siciliani”“Santa Rosalia”: the patron Saint
I “Cannoli” (with ricotta cream) La “Cassata” (with ricotta cream) I “Fichi d’India” (prickly pears) “Panelle e Crocché” (chickpeas fritters and potato croquettes)
Between truth and stereotypes Traffic Jams
double lane parking Between truth and stereotypes
“Mafia” Between truth and stereotypes
…a short video Web source: