Author: Denisa Pop 1 Second Authors: Dominic Pascal Keller 1 Roxana Costache 1 Tamas Szabo 1 Coordinators: Medical Doctor Valentin Stroe 2 Professor Horatiu Suciu Marisiensis 2015
The congenital heart defects are present in the neonatal period Critical congenital heart diseases dependent on a PDA Require intervention within the first month Neonatal arrhythmias EMERGENCY
Pediatric Cardiovascular Center Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Pediatric Surgical ICU Operating UnitAngio-Cath Lab Neonatology Department SMURD Discharge Admission IuBCVT
The activity of IuBCVT Tîrgu-Mureş the single-center in Romania for the surgical treatment of neonatal emergencies
IuBCVT Tîrgu-Mureş 136 patients 54 female 82 male The inclusion criteria: Urgency of surgery Diagnostics Age
Distribution of patients AGE DIAGNOSTICS The mean age at the time of surgery days
Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA) TGA is a congenital cyanotic heart defect The Aorta and the Pulmonary Artery reversed
TGA - 2 parallel circulations RA RV Aorta Systemic circulation Pulmonary Circulation Pulmonary Artery LA LV ASD VSD PDA
Management and treatment of TGA prostaglandin E1 IV PDA open ↑ pulmonary flow atrial balloon septostomy ↑ ASD improve the mixing stabilization of the patient 1. Immediate
2. Definitive arterial switch operation
Mortality Transposition of the Great Arteries associated with: Interrupted Aortic Arch Subpulmonary VSD and ASD Severe Hypoxia and Acidosis 136 patients 3 intraoperative deaths DIAGNOSTIC
Conclusion High survival rate (97.80% for our patients) Early diagnostic -within hours- Adequate surgical approach -first month of life- In all these cases, the surgical treatment must be rushed in order to prevent major morbidity and mortality and minimize the need of future surgeries.
Discussions IuBCVT Tîrgu-Mure the single-center for the surgical treatment of neonatal emergencies high difficulty of creating national interdisciplinary teams to deal with this emergencies
Bibliography Illustrations provided by Joe Lara III for www. Constantine Mavroudis and Carl L. Backer. Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Publication Transposition of the Great Arteries. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), updated 2013 May 11 by Kurt R. Schumacher, MD, Pediatric Cardiology, University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center, Ann Arbor, MI.
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