Algae! By: Carly Sipling and Kaitlyn Winemiller
What is algae? Algae is a single-celled organism. The color varies in algae. Some colors that it can be are, Green, red, brown, blue-green etc. Algae grows where there is few or no aquatic life with a lot of sunlight and nutrients. Algae mostly grows in ponds or moist ditches
Why algae can be bad. Algae produces algaecides which are bad for aquatic plants an fish. Some types of algae can choke oxygen and kill fish. Sick fish can go undetected for days or weeks.
Algae Perks in a pond! Algae is a good source of food for small pond fish. Fish eat it off the rocks on the bottom and the sides of the walls. Algae can also provide a good shelter for small fish.
Is our Ph level to low, too high or just right ? The normal Ph level for an outdoor pond is between 7.0 and 8.0. Ph levels rise throughout the course of the day. The period 1 had a Ph level of 3 to 4. Ours was around 6.0. On a scale found online our Ph level was between fish production and death.
Facts from our pond. We think we have green algae Our current p.h. level is 6.8 as of October 28th Our pond holds 250 gallons of water At it’s deepest point it is 16 inches.
Metals in a pond. Test for different types of metals in your pond. Testing equipment is very expensive and hard to find. Some metals such as lead can kill your fish but may not. The lead as it may not kill the fish it may accumulates in the fatty tissue.
Thank You Thanks for listening to our slide show. All of our information was free of copyright Thanks for listening!!:) From Kaitlyn and Carly. All of our info is copyright free!