WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello The status report of the AURIGA detector Luca Taffarello (INFN Sezione di Padova ) Special tanks to L. Conti and G. Vedovato
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Summary of the talk: New detector set-up First Results, calibration and thermal behaviour BUT evidence of noise peaks External excitation to identify the input ports to avoid the noise (mechanical low frequencies) Strategy to overcome the disturbances Definition of epoch vetoes in A.D. througt thresold identification New dampers and pneumatic isolation low frequencies Result achieve 1.Good data in nigth and week end (2° Dec ° May 2005) 2.Very stable and gaussian behaviour (from 19 May 2005)
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello new mechanical suspensions: attenuation > 360 dB at 1 kHzFEM modelled new capacitive transducer: two-modes (1 mechanical+1 electrical)optimized mass new amplifier: double stage SQUID 200 energy resolution new data analysis: C++ object oriented codeframe data format Expected target AURIGA II run with upgrades
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Evidence of spurious peaks in the bandwidth T = 4.5K = experimental. data = simulation immediatly is started a diagnostic phase to address the spurious features in the noise spectra Best quiet period December 2003
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello The thermal behaviour of the modes is estimates by the measurement of the real part of the input impedence to the SQUID a 4.5 K Not evident lost of charge T= 4.5 K E bias=7.5 MV/m ‚ = Hz ‚ = Hz = Hz This is thermal First step: Calibration of the 3 sensitives modes
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello 2 Step: THE MECHANICAL TRANSFER FUNCTION VERY IMPORTANT not evident excitation with mechanical and-or electromagnetic actuators ‚ mechanical mode near the switch ‚Electrome- chanical modes Mechanical modes of the charge plates
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Complete control of the internal sources of noise (Note: one-sided spectra !) December 2004 after the first up-grading detector up the rubber
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Strategy to cope the spurious peaks Identification of noise sources: noise hunting Definition of the possible hardware solutions: 2 steps 1.Rubber dissipation layer below the cryostat (roll-off frequency 8-10 Hz Q=2) 2.Active-air mount (Vibraplane KS) automatic leveling/heigth control low vertical natural frequency and orizontal isolation 1-2 Hz internal damping Q=2 and broad load range) Very important parameter the Q factor to avoid other nolinear-coupling where the seismic power is higher and the movement of the cryostat can generate dangerous mechanical stress in the detector Decision to maintain on air the detector because from the analysis data is possible to understand more what is wrong and to control directly the efficiency of the new set-up Definition of epoch vetoes to obtain time period of data workable
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Noise hunting: 3 step analysis 1.Definition of peaks or band noise sources 2.Identification of noise sensitive peaks out bandwidth 3.Application of epoch vetoes based by crossing thresholds previous defined applied to this out bandwidth peaks
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Analysis of auxiliary channels Spurious peak in bandwidth 894 Hz SQUID output Hz Sismometer 8-22 Hz Acc. Inside vacuum chamber 8-22 Hz 4 days friday- monday
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Evidence of connection between external (seismic) activities and bandwidth 1DAY1DAY OUTPUT of SISMOMETER in the cryostat 0-22 Hz sensitive bandwidth Not Possible to determine a correlation between the external disturbances and the response in the sensitive bandwidth Evidence for not-linearity behaviour
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Low frequency mechanical excitation and response in the detector bandwidth 2 example also without electrical field Shaking frequency Hz Effect: all the multiple Shaking frequency Hz Effect: some cluster with more peaks equidistant 16.57/3 Hz Not possible to reach shaking frequency below 10 Hz the seismic noise is too power
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Sunday - Clean Spectrum 950 Hz 900 Hz SpSp SpSp SpSp SpSp SpSp Sp= spurious One year of data between dec. 03 to dec 04
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Clean/Noisy Spectrum “Normal” Noisy spectrum
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Run 590 (Time-Frequency) from Sat 11h-13/11/04 to Mon 12h-15/11/04 Clean Raw Data Noisy Raw Data Sat Sun Mon Only during the Sunday nigth is possible see the better spectra duty cycle Gaussian and stationary very poor 20 %, evidence of Monday morning effect, Human Activities?
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Run 590 (Time-Frequency) 5 hours F5F5 F5F5 F5F5 F5F5 F1F1 F1F1 F1F1 F1F1 It is possible to define some group of spurious peaks correlated F means Family, during the history different family appear and dissapear
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Run Vetoes F5 Veto (120 s) /- 0.2 Hz Wide Band Veto Wide Band Spurious F5 F1 Veto (60 s) /- 0.5 Hz F7 Veto (60 s) /- 2 Hz F1 F7 More clean data, long period good in the nigths and in week-end 4000 s Time-frequency behaviour during normal day
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello F5 Veto /- 0.2 Hz F Hz F5 Veto
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello F5 Threshold veto F5 Ada lck psp /- 0.2 Hz F5 Veto amplitude
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Previous position Position control feed-back lift used with the liquid helium inside the dewars First hardware up-grade: rubber layer of Sylodamp (Angst Pfister) Starting new run 2 Dec. 2004
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello AURIGA Events [no vetoes] SNR Italian Holiday
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello AURIGA Events [with vetoes] SNR Is possible to apply the epoch vetoes and the result is a duty cycle 60 %
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello AURIGA Events [with vetoes & prob> ] SNR a test of consistency about the shape of the burst
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello AURIGA Events [with vetoes & prob> ] Amplitude Good stability of the detector in absolute amplitude
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello SNR Distribution (with vetoes) (Simulation/Red) SNR 3 events with SNR >10 during 9 days
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Last hardware up-grade : external suspensions low frequency and with vibrational damping Air springs: effective above1-2 Hz
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Metal-arc welding with liquid helium inside the dewars without bias in the trasducer A kind of “wings” to support Auriga above the center of mass of the cryostat
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Low frequency suspensions installed (May 19 th ) Final configurationFerroconcrete Pillar
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Low frequency suspensions installed (May 19 th ) suspension activation
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Before the up-grade AFTER! Also during the day
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Low frequency suspensions installed (May 19 th ) beforeafter Not so evident and dramatic the isolation effect, but impressive the effect in the data! in the best case 1 order of magnitude in amplitude
WP1 Teleconference June Luca Taffarello Perfect Gaussian and stationary behaviour, duty cycle > 98%