PATTERN TO PROGRAM Intelligence is a Function of Experience
YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY Select a category representing your favorite hobby choice, be specific and be prepared to share. The categories are: 1. A Sport 2. A Craft 3. Gardening 4. Travel
IF I CAN EXPERIENCE IT FIRST HAND Then I am able to discuss it orally
PROCEDURE In one minute share at your table how you became interested in your hobby: age who where
IF I CAN DISCUSS IT ORALLY I understand what others mean when they talk about itI understand what others mean when they talk about it
After listening to others, write a compelling sentence of how your hobby brings you joy.
IF I CAN UNDERSTAND WHEN I DISCUSS IT AND WHEN OTHERS DISCUSS IT Then I am able to communicate in written form
IF I CAN COMMUNICATE IT IN WRITTEN FORM Then I am able to read my own writing and respond to questions about what I wrote (respond to 2 questions)Then I am able to read my own writing and respond to questions about what I wrote (respond to 2 questions)
IF I CAN DO IT, SEE IT, DISCUSS IT, HEAR ABOUT IT AND WRITE ABOUT IT Then I am able to explain it to others intelligently
IF I CAN EXPLAIN IT TO OTHERS Then I am ready to read the writing of others on the same subject
List three resources where you will find additional information on your ‘hobby’.
IF I CAN UNDERSTAND NON- FICTION WRITINGS OF OTHERS Then I am able to comprehend fictional writing on the subject.
IF I CAN READ NON- FICTION AND FICTIONAL WRITING Then I am able to understand that the concept does not stand alone: fitness, equipment,seasons,etc.
IF I CAN MAKE CONNECTIONS Then I am able to begin thinking of the concept on a more global scale and/or on a creative level.